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第一讲 翻译的语境视角 0.1.语境,即语言环境,指的是运用语言进行交际的具体场合。 0.2.根据交际的原则,语言交际必须切合语言环境。 0.3.当代西方翻译学常“把翻译视为重新语境化(recontextualization)”的过程。 0.4.一词多义的语言现象对于语境有着较大依赖关系,因此也有人将英语这种一词多义的语言称为语境依赖性语言(context dependent language)。 0.5.这种一词一义的词汇特征就使得汉语词汇对上下文的依赖性要比英语小得多,独立性也大得多。 0.6.语境因素可分为九种主要类型。 1.1语篇 语篇语境(textual context),也可称为语言语境(linguistic context)、内语境(internal context),指词语在语篇状态下所处的语言环境。 七个特征:衔接性(cohesion)、连贯性(coherence)、意图性(intentionality)、可接受性(acceptability)、信息性(informativity)、情境性(situationality)和互文性(intertextuality) 五种衔接方式,即指称(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)、连接(conjunction)和词汇衔接(lexical cohesion) 语篇语境有近境(immediate context指特定语言成分的前言后语)和远境(remote context指特定词语与相关词语在语篇中的空间距离较远)之分。 例如: 1....and I am certain I heard a laugh, and a strange one. (Bront?, 1847/1996: 184) 2.She kissed me, and I her,... (op. cit.:114) (1)我肯定听到一声笑,而且是一声怪笑。(上海译文版《简·爱》:152) (2)她吻了我,我也吻了她。 3.The afternoon was wet and somewhat misty:... (two paragraphs omitted) I was stiff with long sitting, and bewildered with the noise and motion of the coach: gathering my faculties, I looked about me. Rain, wind, and darkness filled the air;...we went up a broad pebbly path, splashing wet, and were admitted at a door; then the servant led me through a passage into a room with a fire, where she left me alone. (Bront?, 1847/1996: 74-75) 原译:下午潮湿,有点儿雾。…… 坐了那么久,四肢都僵了,又给马车的声音和颠动弄得迷迷糊糊;等到恢复正常以后,我向四下里看了看。空气中充满了风、雨、和黑暗;...我们走上了一条宽阔的石子路,溅着水往前走,...( 上海译文版《简·爱》:37-38) 4.The air was clammy cold, and for all the tightly closed windows it penetrated the interior of the coach. The leather seats felt damp to the hands, and there must have been a small crack in the roof, because now and again little drips of rain fell softly through, smudging the leather and leaving a dark-blue stain like a splodge of ink. The wind came in gusts, at times shaking the coach as it travelled round the bend of the road, and in the exposed places on the high ground it blew with such force that the whole body of the coach trembled and swayed, rocking between the hi


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