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汉译英中几个特殊的问题 第一章 文化词语的翻译 物质文化词语 食物: 馒头 steamed bread 窝窝头 Wowotou 服饰: 对襟衣: mandarin coats 或button-down jackets 中山装: Mao’s suit/jacket 物品: 加工食物用的筛子 boult 筷子 chopsticks 宣纸 rice paper 砚台 inkstone 毛笔 brush 古代人身上背的褡裢 A pouch worn at the girdle; Long rectangular bag worn round the waist or across the shoulder 精神文化词语 宗教类: 城隍庙: town god 门神: door god 灶爷: The god of the hearth 寿星: God of the longevity 太岁: God of the year (一)音译法 豆腐 toufu 饺子 jiaozi 算盘 suanpan 老子 Loats 孔子(孔夫子) Confucius 2.音译加解释法 中国传统乐器,二胡: The erhu fiddle 古典诗词,词: the Ci Poetry 戏曲里的角色,生: Sheng, the chief male 古代的器皿, 尊:Zun, wine vessel 鬲:Li, hollow-legged tripod vessels 压岁钱: To present children with newly printed cash as Yasuiqian, or gift money, is one ritual of Chinese in Celebrating Lunar New Year.(2006-1-31 Chinadaily) 2008年奥运吉祥物福娃. Fuwa, the five mascots of the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini, which means “Beijing welcomes you” in Chinese. 3. 音译加注释 这一夜没有月,未庄在黑暗里很寂静,寂静到像羲皇时候一般太平. Wei Village lay very quiet in the darkness, as quiet as it might have lain during the reign of Fu Xi. Legendary ruler of high antiquity under whose idyllic reign China prospered in peace and tranquility. ( 直译法) 1.直译加解释法 黄白之术 The art of the “yellow and white”, or the transmutation of base metals into gold and silver. 尼姑待他们走后,定了神来检点,龙牌固然已经碎在地上了,而且又不见了观音娘娘座前的一个宣德炉.(阿Q正传) The nun, pulling herself tighter after they had gone, made an inspection. Naturally the imperial tablet had been smashed into fragments on the ground, and the valuable Hsuan Te censer before the shrine of Kuanyin, the goddess of mercy, had also disappeared.(杨宪益,戴乃迭译) 2.直译加注释 (1)从此空空道人因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色悟空…… As a consequence of all this, Vanitas, starting off in the Void(which is truth) came to the contemplation of Form(which is illusion); and from Form engerdered Passion; and by communication Passion, entered again into Form; and from Form awoke to the Void (which is truth) (2) 孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,生死之地,存亡之道,


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