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Part VI Direct vs. Indirect English: Indirect Chinese: Direct Indirect English I Euphemism II Implicitness III Periphrasis I Euphemism Euphemizing is generally defined as substituting an inoffensive or pleasant term for a more explicit, offensive one, thereby veneering the truth by using kind words. For Example: In private I should merely call him a liar. In the Press you should use the words: Reckless disregard for truth and in Parliament--- that you regret he should have been so misinformed. 委婉是一种比较间接的方式来谈论不宜直言的人或事物。为了: 1)回避或掩盖某些严酷的社会现实; 2)为了防止“出口伤人”; 3)避免“有失体统”,显得文明礼貌。 1.Both English and Chinese have Euphemism which are used to express boring, awful, disgust and disgraceful things. 1)“死亡” 2)“上厕所” 3)“怀孕” 4)“身体太胖” 5)“老人,年老” 1)“死亡” pass away; breathe one’s last; go to one’s Maker; be with God; sleep with one’s fathers join the great majority; pay the debt of nature go to glory; go to a better world; sleep the final sleep, cross the Great Divide, climb the golden staircase. 逝世、寿终、作古、谢世、归寂、坐化、牺牲、阵亡、殉职、捐躯、百年、与世长辞; 古代还有按等级之分的死: 帝王之死“崩”或“晏驾”, 诸侯之死“篳”; 大夫之死“卒”, 士之死“不禄”。 2)“上厕所” go to the restroom, use the bathroom, wash one’s hands, relieve oneself, answer a call of nature; (男)see a man about a horse, (女)fix one’s face, powder one’s nose 大便、小便、方便、解手、大解、小解、净手、如厕、去洗手间 3)“怀孕” be expecting, in a family way, (American English) in the family way,(English) in an interesting condition 有喜、重身子、双身子、产妇、身怀六甲 4)“身体太胖” stout on the heavy side 发福 5)“老人,年老” senior citizen eldly people advanced in age 年迈 年长 上了年纪 上岁数 年事已高 2. Compared with Chinese, English has more euphemisms and they are used more frequently . powder room---- ladies’ room女厕所 unpleasant odour------ nasty


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