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1Answer: The liquid nitrogen engine is composed of an evaporator, a condenser, an expander, a throttle, a cooler and a cryogenic liquid pump. The liquid nitrogen is pumped out by the cryogenic liquid pump,and then it goes through the econimizer, in which the low temperature nitrogen is heated by the high temperature nitrogen exhausted from the the expander. As a result, the temperature of the nitrogen goes up so as to avoid frost in the heat exchanger. Exhausted from the heat exchanger, the heated nitrogen expands in the expander, supplying kinetic energy for working.The thermal dynamic circle is as follws:2、77K是液氮的相变温度,故应该结合液氮无霜换热器来进行分析,新型液氮无霜换热器的模型如下:77K is a phase transition temperature of liquid nitrogen, so this question should be combined with a frost-free heat exchanger, the new heat exchanger in a frost-free nitrogen model is as follows:该换热器模型中有两个换热过程: there are two processes in The heat exchanger model混合器中的低温氮气和反流的常温氮气的混合换热过程,其换热过程的数学模型可用热力学第一定律的开口系统能量方程表达:First heat transfer process is in the mixer, the mathematical model of the heat transfer process can be expressed by the opening system energy equation :因为入口氮气的温度高于水蒸气的凝结点温度,所以空气换热部分不需要考虑结霜问题。采用翅片式壳管换热器。管内是氮气, 管外翅片通道是空气。氮气的流动方向与空气的流动方向成十字叉流, 如图所示。the air heat exchanger does not need to be considered part of the frost problem, because the inlet temperature of the nitrogen vapor is higher than the set point temperature,. finned shell and tube heat exchanger are used 。The inner tube is a nitrogen gas, the air flows across the tube fins. 氮气的能量方程模型Energy equation model of nitrogen(气体粘性耗散损失可以忽略不计、假设流动为为一维流动模式、忽略轴向导热):化简得到:then:转换成: 下标1表示一种流体对应的属性, 忽略换热管壁内部的径向导热, 统一用W表示壁温。换热单元的能量方程: energy equation in a Thermal unit根据前面的假定条件和氮气的能量微分方程式可以推导出能量平衡方程如下: based on the energy equations of nitrogen,we can get energy balance equation as follows:式( 12) 是针对氮气的微分方程, 式( 13) 是针对环境空气的微分方程, 式( 14) 是换热管壁的能量平衡方程。(12) is a differential equation for nitrogen, (13) is a differential equation for the ambient air, equation (14) is a


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