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名称 项目 Unit 6 课时 课时分配 基础课 Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan 6 1,2 Warming-up,listening and speaking 3,4 Reading 课型 New 特点 5,6 Real life skills writing 授课班级 地点 5号楼 教学目标 能力(技能)目标 知识目标 素质目标 1. To improve Ss’ ability of getting information through reading listening. 2. To know how to schedule an appointment. 1. To master new words and phrases; to finish exercises. 2. To get the main idea of the whole passage. 1. To learn to complete tasks more effectively. 2. To identify time wasters and save time. 重点难点 及解决方法 Key points: to get the main idea of the reading passage. 全面理解阅读材料,了解日常工作的一天,学会在工作中进行实践与反思,来提高工作效率。 Difficult point:to use the patterns to make appointments and give possible responses. 能够通过浏览时间计划表来确定并商讨会面时间。 教学策略 与方法 围绕学生在实习初期工作效率低下的问题,创设工作情景引导学生主动探索阻碍工作效率提升的各种因素,并鼓励学生针对自身情况在轻松、愉快、合作的语言交流环境中探讨提升工作效率的建议和措施,让他们迅速成为职场的生力军。 教学资料 及教学准备 Exercise book and students’ books Test papers Some example sentences 板书设计 Unit Six New words and expressions: language points: 教学后记 本单元通过让学生浏览时间计划表来确定并商讨会面时间,并能提出适当建议来提升工作效率。学生能够针对自身情况制定时间管理日志,分析确定其中不合理的因素,找到了提升工作效率的方法。 教学过程 教学程序与内容 教师活动-导 学生活动-演 设计意图 Unit Six 第一课时 (安排一次会面) Warming-up Speaking A Step One: Warm-up Read John’s schedule for Monday as shown below, and then complete the table. Step Two: Listening Activity1:Extensive listening Listen to the conversation and tick who are talking on the phone. Activity2: Intensive listening Listen again. Then underline the sentences suggesting a change of time. Step Three: Discussion Mary and Nicola are cooperating on a project. They need to arrange a meeting this week. Read their schedules as shown below and find when they can arrange the meeting. Step Four: Role-play Mary and Nicola are talking on the phone to arrange their meeting. Complete the conversation and then role-play it with your partner. Step Five: Summary Useful expressions about schedule an appointment.


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