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写作中如何避免句式单调的问题 写作中如何避免句式单调的问题 请看NMET 2003一位同学写作中的一个片段: Ive found a place for you. It is a flat on the third floor. It is 25 square metres. There is a bedroom and a bathroom in it. There is a sofa and a kitchen in the bedroom. There is a chair and a desk in the bedroom, too... 很明显,该片段所用句子过于单调,全是简单句,而且3次重复使用there be句型,像这样写出的文章在高考中即使没有语法错误也不会得到高分,最多只能得中档(15分左右),因为评分标准对语言能力的要求提高了--不仅要求语言无误而且还在连贯性、多样性和复杂性方面提出了具体要求。 为避免上述句式单调、松散的问题,我们可采取以下方法把简单句进行优化。 一、 扩展法 所谓扩展法就是在原有单句的基础上(结合主题)适当增加描写成分或附加细节,使之表达具体、生动和充实。如: 1. 我的特长是英语和电脑。 a. I like English and computer best. b. I like English and computer best and I am good at them. a句表达简单,但b句则增加了I am good at them,更加突出了我的特长与求职方面的优势。 2. 过去听收音机,而现在看电视。 a. We listened to the radio, but now we watch TV. b. We listened to the radio for news and other information, but now we get news by watching TV. a句直来直去,表达一般,而b句增加了细节,使表达充实,说明通过看电视获取信息,by watching TV的运用,提高了语言档次。 有时,在扩展句子时可能对句子的结构适当进行变通。如: 3. 过去周末在家做作业。 a. I did homework at home at weekends. b. I used to work even at weekends doing homework at home. a句是一般同学的表达,而 b句则先用work一词,然后使用doing homework... 这一分词结构,既使表达复杂,又突出了减负前的作业量大,表现了作者的厌恶心情。 4. 我现在可以发展我的业余爱好了。 a. I can follow my interests. b. I can follow my interests such as reading books, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. a句只是泛泛地说发展爱好,而b句则根据实际把业余爱好明确写出来,让人读后觉得很实在,很具体,言之有物。 二、 合并法 合并法是指将意义相关或结构相似的句子按一定的方式合并连接在一起,以增强句子的连贯性和表现力。如: 1. a. He stopped us half an hour ago. He made us catch the next offender. b. He stopped us half an hour ago, and made us catch the next offender. 将句子合并后,使用了并列谓语,句子个数减少了,但动作的连贯性却加强了。 2. a. He is a good teacher. We all love and respect him. b. He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him. / The teacher is so good that we all love and respect him. a句使用单句表达松散,而b句则使用了such...that... / so...that...这一常见句型,表达有力。 3. a. Enter the park by the main gate. Walk straight. Come to a stream. Cross the stream. Turn right. b. After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight


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