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Semantic equivalence Stylistic equivalence Cultural equivalence:Four asian tigers亚洲四小龙 Equivalence of response:龙头产品flaghship products Functional equivalence Shall I compare thee to the summer day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. The Milky way Images into sound images Imagic Likeness principle Translator ST source text ST writer ST context ST reader TL reader TL context Translator ST context ST writer ST source text ST reader TL reader TL context * A. Preparation: basic knowledge about both languages as well as the background knowledge; basic skills in translation are necessary; B. Comprehension: understanding accurately the meaning of the source language; How? C. Expression/Representation: try to express the meaning in idiomatic Chinese; D. Revision /proofreading: check again and again to polish the language. The Process of Translation 第一章:翻译概述——翻译的过程 * 第一章:翻译概述——翻译的过程 Eugene A. Nida 的翻译过程 * 4. History of Translation in China 1)佛经翻译时期,从东汉开始至唐宋,1000余年(支谦、道安,鸠摩罗什、真谛、玄奘) 2)明末清初:西方科技翻译 (徐光启、利玛窦;李之藻) 3)清朝后期:西方哲学、文学翻译 重要人物:林纾、严复 4)中国近代翻译史:“五四”运动是分水岭; 重要人物:鲁迅、瞿秋白、林语堂、朱生豪 5)繁荣阶段:新中国的成立 第一章:翻译概述——中西译史 * 第一章:翻译概述——中西译史 Western translation history (reading after the Class) 第一个高潮是在公元前3世纪中叶。 第二个高潮发生于公元4世纪至6世纪之间。 第三个高潮是11世纪至12世纪之间。 第四次高潮是14-16世纪的欧洲文艺复兴时期。 第五次高潮,是第二次世界大战结束以来。 * a.) word meaning in context-No context, no text. 维特根斯坦(1953:31): The meaning of a word is its use in the language. 一个词的意义就是它在语言中的运用。 Hymes (1972: xix ) points out, “The key to understanding language in context is to start not with language, but with context.” Each word when used in a new context is a new word.(J.R. F



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