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学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 2015 届机械设计制造及其自动化专业 13 班级 题 目 逐点比较插补算法设计 姓 名 学号 1 指导教师 职称 教授 二О一 五 年 五 月 二十一 日 摘 要 逐点比较法是数控加工中常用的插补方法,通过控制刀具每次移动的位置与理想位置的误差函数进而实现零件加工,鉴于VB编程简单、直观,采用VB可以实现逐点比较插补原理的相关程序设计及加工过程虚拟化。插补技术是机床数控系统的核心技术,逐点比较法可以实现直线和圆弧插补算法,其算法的优劣直接影响零件直线和圆弧轮廓的加工精度和加工速度。文章在传统的逐点比较直线插补与圆弧插补算法的基础上,提出以八方向进给取代传统的四方向进给,研究了偏差最小的走步方向的实现方法,同时研究了保证数控机床坐标进给连续的偏差递推计算过程。结果表明,新算法可以提高零件轮廓的逼近精度且减少了插补计算次数,从而提高了零件直线和圆弧轮廓的加工精度和加工速度。 关 键 词 数控;插补;逐点比较;逼近;偏差函数 The algorithm design of point-to-point comparison Author: LI Zhiyuan Tutor: Chen Liangji Abstract Abstract: The algorithm of point-to-point comparison is a typical plugging method in processing of numerical control,manufacturing parts by controlling error function between the position the cutting tool moves to and the perfect position.VB program is simple and visual,which can visualize the programming and processing of The algorithm of point-to-point comparison. Interpolation technology is the core technology of machine tool’s CNC system. The algorithm of point-to-point comparison can achieve the algorithms of linear and circular interpolation.The algorithm of point-to-point comparison linear and circular interpolation affects the machining accuracy and rate directly.Base on the conventional algorithm of point-to-point comparison linear and circular interpolation,it was put forward in the article that feed in eight directions takes place of feed in four directions,the achievement method of feed direction was researched that can result in the least deviation,the deviation recursive calculation process was researched that can ensure a continuous CNC coordinate feed.The result showed that the approximation accuracy of parts’ contour was improved and the number of interpolation calculation was reduced by use of new algorithm,and then the machining accuracy and rate of parts’ linear and circular contour was improved. Keywords:CNC;interpolation;point-to-point comparis


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