
本科毕业设计__the study of oral english teaching strategies based on schema theory.doc

本科毕业设计__the study of oral english teaching strategies based on schema theory.doc

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黑龙江东方学院 毕 业 论 文 (设 计) 设计题目:The Study of Oral English Teaching Strategies Based on Schema Theory Abstract In foreign language teaching, the four basic skills have been greatly improved on the part of Chinese college students in the past decades. However, speaking is still the most difficult skill for the majority of college students. In spite of this, the application of schema theory in college spoken English teaching should provide more convenience for good learning effect on learners. According to schema theory, a schema is an active organization of past reactions or past experiences. Language comprehension depends largely on learners background knowledge. Therefore, schema theory plays an important role in information activation and spoken English output. On the basis of schema theory, this paper aims at investigating whether schema-oriented teaching is effective in college spoken English teaching and revealing the function of schematic knowledge through the analysis. Focusing on schema activation, based on schema theory in cognitive psychology, the thesis explores the nature of speaking comprehension and points out that speaking comprehension is an interactive model of both bottom-up and top-down models. Speakers use both bottom-up and top-down approaches to interpret speaking message. In speaking comprehension process, speakers should activate their background knowledge and use the knowledge to interpret the new text. The speakers schemata determine what he comprehends, how well he comprehends, and whether he can comprehend at all. Key words: schema theory; schemata; spoken English. 中文摘要 过去几十年的时间里,中国高校学生听、说、读、写四个方面的基本技能通过外语教学得到了极大的提高。然而各方面的语言能力仍存在发展不平衡的状况,尤其在英语口语表达方面,大部分学生存在欠缺。虽然如此,图式理论在英语教学领域的广泛运用使得基于该理论的大学英语口语教学模式成为一条解决问题的有效途径。 根据图式理论,“图式”是学习者记忆中的己有信息对新信息发生作用的过程。人们在理解吸收输入信息时,需要将所输入的信息与大脑己知的信息(或概念),即背景知识联系起来。因此,图式知识在大脑己知信息的提取和口语输出方面扮演着重要角色。本项研究基于图式理论,目的在于探究该理论在高校英语口语教学中的有效性,同时揭示图式化知识体系的重要功能。 本研究以图式理论为基础,分析了图式理论及其在英语口语教学过程中的应用。图式理论认为说者的背景知识对他


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