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This topic for porous plate punching mould parts design, to be blunt parts for a certain depth of a cover, and the bottom eight holes, so using vertical punching die. According to the specific shape, decided to use spring stripper plate unloading, in the stripper plate cutting also plays when orientation and the preloading role. The 2 mm thickness, the cutting force is not large, so the completion at cover plate punching parts. Mould types should be run die single process. The dimension tolerance not note, choose IT14 level. Workpiece as small batch production, in order to reduce the cost, in addition to the punch, the punch fixed board, elastic stripper plate, positioning board and concave die design by outside, the rest are chosen standard parts. Parts need to be blunt for 4 mm in diameter and 6 mm holes and the cutting of the punch into a ladder to improve the design of the punch and the bending strength of resistance, and the intensity of the punch. Considering the mould structure and cost, concave die design into integral. The main content of this design: the process analysis; Stamping process program selected; Die and punch mould blade size calculation; Mould formwork choose; Press choose; The structural design and die mold assembly chart drawing; The design of the key parts and draw; The design
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