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摘要 交通信号指示灯是城市中交通指挥疏导中不可缺少的智能工具。以前用到的大多数交通灯的控制系统都是采用单片机或者PLC进行设计开发的。本文将采用VHDL硬件描述语言来论述各模块代码,并在Quartus II开发环境下进行编译,在硬件板子上进行调试和演示。在计算机上运行成功并生产生成顶层文件后下载在FPGA器件EP2C5T144开发板子上进行验证。通过调试结果显示,本文的设计完全可以满足现在交通指挥的需求,包括时间提示显示、相关状态控制和主、支干道的红、黄、绿灯交替显示功能。本文在交通灯控制的基础上,对硬件描述语言以及其设计流程做了简单介绍。 EDA工具是一种十分重要的VHDL语言开发工具,它是一款能够对设计过程中任何一个环节或者阶段进行计算机模拟的强大工具,因而,该工具能够确保准确的设计,减少设计周期,大大降低成本。基于FPGA的交通灯控制器具有较高的可靠性、擦写迅速、高效的运算能力、故障少、设计简单、质量轻以及体积不大等优势。本次设计将采用EP2C5T144最小系统开发板,因为它的体积不大,可以轻松嵌入到外围电路中,完全可以快速进行逻辑判断,数据计算以及系统运算等。本文采用QuartusII软件进行开发,运用自顶向下的新型设计方法。 关键词:自动、逻辑、交通灯、EDA、FPGA Abstract Traffic light controller plays a very important role in the regulation of urban traffic. The traditional traffic light controller is based on single-chip microcomputer or PLC. This paper introduces a scheme based on FPGA technology and II Quartus development platform to realize the intersection traffic light controller. Using VHDL hardware description language description of the module program, and in the II Quartus environment to compile, simulate, generate the top level files downloaded in the FPGA device EPF10K10LC84 FLEX for verification. The verification results show that the basic design to achieve the control of traffic light controller, including the countdown time display function and main function, the special state control, a road of red, yellow, and green light display function alternately, indicating that the design scheme is correct. In this paper, the design process of the traffic light controller, and briefly introduces the hardware description bright prospect in the digital system design of VHDL language structure model and process design, VHDL design advantages and the language and an important position. EDA tools for electronic design personnel is extremely important, it can in each stage of electronic design, the level of computer simulation and verification, to ensure the design accuracy and can shorten the design cycle and reduce design cost. Can realize the automatic control of traffic l


李天佑 + 关注


