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专利族与同族专利 内容 一、基本概念 二、专利族种类 三、同族专利的作用 四、专利族检索 一、基本概念 优先权概念 按照《保护工业产权巴黎公约》,所谓优先权,是巴黎联盟各成员国给予本联盟任一国家的专利申请人的一种优惠权,即联盟内某国的专利申请人已在某成员国第一次正式就一项发明创造申请专利,当申请人就该发明创造在规定的时间内向本联盟其他国家申请专利时,申请人有权享有第一次申请的申请日期 发明和实用新型的优先权期限为12个月,外观设计的优先权期限为6个月 一、基本概念 专利族概念 人们把至少有一个优先权相同的、在不同国家或国际专利组织多次申请、多次公布或批准的内容相同或基本相同的一组专利文献,称为专利族 --《专利信息与利用》 一、基本概念 专利族概念 Generally speaking, a patent family is a group of patents which, like a family, are all related to each other, in this case by way of the priority or priorities of a particular patent document. ——欧洲专利局网站 All the documents directly or indirectly linked via a priority document belong to one patent family. ——INPADOC 一、基本概念 专利族概念 A collection of published patent documents relating to the same invention, or to several inventions sharing a common aspect, that are published at different times in the same country or published in different countries or regions. Each patent document in such a collection is normally based on the data for the application(s) on which the basis for its “priority right” has been claimed. ——WIPO 一、基本概念 专利族概念 同族专利 在同一专利族中每件专利文献被称作专利族成员(Patent Family Members),同一专利族中每件专利文献互为同族专利 一、基本概念 专利族概念 基本专利 The basic document is the first member of a patent family that appears in Derwent WPI, so it may not necessarily be the first one published for that invention. Differences in the speed that patenting authorities supply data to Derwent, and in the processing time for documents from different countries, may affect which document appears in Derwent WPI first and becomes the basic. ——Derwent 二、专利族种类-WIPO定义 WIPO《工业产权信息与文献手册》将专利族分为六种 简单专利族(Simple patent family) 复杂专利族(Complex patent family) 扩展专利族(Extended patent family) 本国专利族(National patent family) 内部专利族(Domestic patent family) 人工专利族(Artificial Patent Family) 二、专利族种类-WIPO定义 简单专利族(Simple patent family) 在同一个专利族中,专利族成员以共同的一个或共同的几个专利申请为优先权 P1——US 690915 二、专利族种类-WIPO定义 复杂专利族(Complex Patent Family) 在同一个专利族中,专利族成员至少以一个共同的专利申请为优先权 P1——NL8


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