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实训内容5: 景点讲解服务 (杭州)Presentation on the scenic spots ( Hangzhou ) 景点讲解是导游员的重头戏,也是游客较为看好的旅游产品之一。为此,讲解好景点,让游客高兴满意是极为重要的。导游员要在控制时间的基础上,有效运用各种导游技巧,突出重点,讲出新意。??   在景点讲解中,导游员要根据不同的对象和文化层次,因人而异地选择好讲解内容。游客层次高导游人员要讲的深一些,游客层次低导游人员要讲的浅一点,通俗一点。在运用导游技巧上也是如此。比如对一般的游客,导游员可多一些虚实结合法、问答法、借用故事法、拟人比喻法以及活用数字法,等等。而对层次较高的游客可运用画龙点睛法、制造悬念法、设置疑问法、巧妙穿插法以及含蓄幽默法,等等。??   导游员在讲解前,首先要有意识地“占领”最佳位置,面向游客面带笑容,既不要靠游客太近,也不要离游客太远,大约离游客1米左右即可。导游员的语音大小高低要根据当时的环境而定,手势的幅度不要过大,讲解的景点空间距离跨越也不要过大。?? Now let’s look at the Main Hall. It’s a giant building, isn’t it? Do you see the mirror on the top? It is said that it’s a magical one. Those who have done anything bad can see themselves in it. Can any of you see yourself? The Main Hall stands 33.6m or 110ft high. Can you tell how many stories there are in this building? Three? No, it’s a one-storied building with three eaves. You will see this when we get into the hall. Like the Front Hall, it was rebuilt over 90 years ago during the reign of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. But shortly before liberation in 1949, the beam of the building was eaten by termites and the top collapsed, destroying the three Buddha statues in the hall. It was restored in 1956 and according to the instruction of our late Premier Zhou Enlai, the biggest statue of sitting Buddha made of wood in China was made. So now, we’re going to see another treasure of this temple. Just now Mrs. Smith asked me whether the temple was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. Let me tell you the answer. At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, many ‘red guards’ came to destroy this temple as they did to many other temples. But this time they were stopped by some students from the Zhejiang University. The ‘red guards’ were actually high school students. They argued that it was Chairman Mao’s call for the Chinese people to ‘destroy the old and establish the new’. The old included ‘superstition’, ‘suppression’ and ‘exploitation’ etc. All religions were regarded as superstition and the temples were reg


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