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扬州大学附属小学 六年级新生英语水平摸底测试 2005年9月 (考试时间为60分钟,满分为100分。) 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 合 计 得 分 阅 卷 人 一、英汉互译。(20%) 1. 七点一刻 2. 四节数学课 3. 发高烧 4. 她的祖父 5. 踢足球 6. 我们的好朋友 7. 跳得高 8. 带一些苹果给他 9. of course 10. a camping trip 11. five squares 12. some beautiful masks 13. pumpkin lanterns 14. between the two hills 15. bend your knees 16. catch insects 17. 发出喧闹声____________ __ 18. ask a lot of questions _____ ___ 19. 散步__________________ _ 20. no smoking ____________ ___ 二、选出与句子中画线部分意思最接近的选项。(4%) ( ) 1. There are a lot of signs here. A. many B. much C. some ( ) 2. —What time is it? —It’s a quarter past eight. A. fifty B. five C. fifteen ( ) 3. Glad to meet you here again. A. see B. talk C. visit ( ) 4. She often helps me study English. A. with my English B. for my English C. in my English 三、从B栏中选出能对A栏中各句做出正确回答的答语。(10%) ( ) 1. What time is it? A. Yes, I’d like to. ( ) 2. What day is it today? B. OK. ( ) 3. What does it mean? C. Yes, I do. ( ) 4. What’s the score? D. She’s from Australia. ( ) 5. Who’s got a goal? E. It’s half past seven. ( ) 6. Do you have a question? F. Liu Tao’s got a goal. ( ) 7. Don’t touch it. G. It’s Monday. ( ) 8. How do you feel now? H. It’s two all now. ( ) 9. Where is Helen from? I. I feel ill now. ( ) 10. Do you want to visit the Great Wall? J. It means “Danger”! 四、选择填空。(25%) ( ) 1. What ____ this sign ___ __? It ___ __“No smoking”. A. do, mean, means B. does, means, means C. does, mean, means ( ) 2. _____ a note


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