英语成语 necks.doc

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NECKS brass neck / nerve (BrE, informal) a combination of confidence and lack of respect; shameless impudence 厚颜无耻 I didn’t think she would have brass neck to do that. 我认为她不至于会厚颜无耻地做那样的事情。 He did have brass neck to lead her up the garden path, telling her he wasn’t married. 他竟厚颜无耻地欺骗她,对她说他还没有结婚。 The politicians have been leading us up the garden path with brass neck all these years; they’ve promised a lot and done a little. 这些政客这些年来一直厚颜无耻地欺骗我们,他们许诺很多,做得很少。 break one’s neck make a great effort; do all possible can (usually used with a limiting adverb or negative) 竭尽全力;竭尽所能;拼命努力 There’s no need to break your neck trying to get here by five. We can always wait for you. 你没有必要费劲九牛二虎之力赶在五点钟到达这里。我们总是可以等你的。 Almost all our primary and secondary students nearly break their necks to complete their class work and homework without their own dead hours. 几乎所有的我国中小学生竭尽全力去完成他们的课堂作业和家庭作业,一点也没有自己的自由处置时间。 break the neck of a task do the hardest part of it 做一项工作最难的部分;完成任务最艰巨的部分 To possess our own independent intellectual property is to break the neck of the task for upgrading and updating out products. 为了我们的产品更新换代,拥有我们自己的自主知识产权是完成这项任务最艰巨的部分。 Applying up-to-date science and technology to production to make a greater contribution to sustainable development in every field is to break the neck of our task. 要把运用最新的科学技术于生产对各个领域的可持续性发展做出更大的贡献是我们工作中最艰难的部分。 breath down somebody’s neck (informal) watch someone too closely, and so make them peel uncomfortable; threaten from behind; (no passive) 紧紧盯住;密切监视;背后威胁;盯得紧 4.1 Stop breathing down my neck, I make mistake when I am being watched. 不要紧紧盯住我,我被盯得紧要出差错的。 4.2 He’s over head and ears in debt, too many creditors have been breathing down his necks all these mouths. 他一身是债,这几个月来太多债主逼上门来。 by a neck if a person or an animal wins a race by a neck, they win it by short distance; narrowly 以一颈之差赢了;获胜;少许之差得胜;几乎 The final was very close, with Molina finally winning by a neck. 决赛是很接近,最后穆连娜以少许之差得胜。 Formally people used to


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