英语成语 nerves.doc

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英语成语 nerves

NERVE(S) a bag / bundle of nerves (informal) a person who is very frightened, worried or nervous about something 一个很害怕、担心、紧张的人 She was a bundle of nervous at the start of the interview but she became more confident later. 开始接见时她很担心,但是随后她就变得更自信了。 He’s a bag of nervous. He needs a holiday. 他神经很紧张,需要度假。 a war of nervous an attempt to defeat one’s opponents by putting pressure on them so that they lose courage or confidence 神经战(挫败对手向其施压使其丧失勇气活自信) A big American company is trying to take ever our company; it’s a real war of nerves. 一家美国大公司企图接管我们的公司;那真是一场神经战。 How would you define a war of nerves and a psychological warfare? 你怎样对神经战和对心理战下定义? brass nerve / neck (BrE, informal) a combination of confidence and lack of respect; shameless impudence 厚颜无耻 I didn’t think she would have brass nerve to do that. 我认为她不至于会厚颜无耻地做那样的事情。 He did have brass nerve to lead her up the garden path, telling her he wasn’t married. 他竟厚颜无耻地欺骗她,对她说他还没有结婚。 The politicians have been leading us up the garden path with brass nerve all these years; they’ve promised a lot and done a little. 这些政客这些年来一直厚颜无耻地欺骗我们,他们许诺很多,做得很少。 get on one’s nerves / one’s nerves are on edge / put or set one’s nerves on edge (informal) annoy somebody a lot; make someone nervous or unhappy; one is much annoyed 使人不安;搅得人心烦;十分烦躁;十分紧张 It’s really get on my nerves the way he only ever talk about his job and his car. 真是搅得人心烦,他只是反反复复讨论他的工作和他的汽车的范围内。 By the end of the week, they were all getting on each other’s nerves. 到了周末,他们会互相之间搅得心烦意乱。 The baby’s endless crying gets on my nerves. 婴孩没完没了的哭声是我烦躁不安。 Continuous wet weather gets on my nerves. 连续不断的阴雨天气令我十分烦躁不安。 How frightful to have a husband who snores! His snores set my nerves on edge all night long. 有一个打鼾的丈夫多讨厌阿!他的鼾声搅得的我整个晚上都心烦得很。 Her nerve had been on edge ever since the autumn over that wretched case… (John Galsworthy, “The Silver Spoon”, Part Ⅲ, ChapterⅫ) 自从秋天打过那场倒霉的官司以来,她的心情一直极其紧张。 get up the nerve become brave enough; build up o


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