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The boot is on the other leg; The shoe is on the other foot. 好事多磨 The course of true love never did run smooth. 捷足先登 The early bird catches the worm. 倾国倾城 The face that lauched a thousand ships. 江山易改,本性难移 The fox changes his skin but not his habits. 兔子不吃窝边草 The fox preys farthest from his hole. 这山远见那山高 The grass on the other side of the fence always looks green. 牝鸡司晨 The gray mare is the better horse. 江山易改,本性难移 The leopard cannot change his spots. 五十步笑百步 The pot calls the kettle black. 海阔天高 The sky is the limit. 心有余而力不足 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 风声鹤唳 The thief does fear each bush an officer. 成王败寇 The victor is always justified. 弱肉强食/ 优胜劣败 The weakest goes to the wall. 行行出状元 There is a senior wrangler in every calling. 无风不起浪,事出必有因 There is no smoke without fire. 哀莫大于心死 There is no vulture like despair. 光阴似箭 Time speeds by like an arrow. 惊弓之鸟/ 谈虎色变 A burnt child dreads fire. 见微知着/ 一叶知秋 A feather shows the way the wind blows. 意外之财/ 一笔横财 a financial windfall 急风知劲草 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 千里鹅毛 A gift is cheap, but love is dear 钱能通神 A golden hammer breaks an iron door. 九牛一毛 be a drop in a bucket ~ 年高德邵 be an statesman 花团锦簇 be blanketed with flowers 琳朗满目 be eye-catching ~ 淋漓尽致 be in great detail; vividly and incisively 方兴未艾 be in the ascendant (福星高照,有旭日东升之势) 纤毫之细 be minute 行云流水 be natural and spontaneous; like floating clouds and flowing water 喜优参半 be/go through ups and downs 红颜薄命 Beauty is a fading flower. 秀色可餐 Beauty is a feast in itself. 色即是空 Beauty is but skin-deep. 东施效颦 Being butcher, dont imitate the piper. 杂而不精 Better be master of one than Jack-of-all-trades. 宁为鸡口,不为牛后 Better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven. 物以类聚 Birds of a feather flock together. 血浓于水 Blood is thicker than water. 恩将仇报 Bring up a raven and it will peck out your eyes. 盖棺论定 Call no man happy before he is dead. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼 Charity begins at home. 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 Claw me and Ill claw thee. 平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊 Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking. 挂羊头


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