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教师: 唐美美 学生: 杨雅兰 年级: 初三 科目: 英语 时间: 20 13 年 8 月 30 日 九年级unit1 课次: / 一、教学目的与考点分析 1. 重点短语语法 2.会简单询问别人学习方法 3.学习方法表达 3.how的特殊疑问句 教学内容及步骤 重点短语: unit 1 How do you study for a test? 2、重点短语 make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth have trouble doing sth end up spoken English practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary lists try one`s best to do sth 3、重点语法 1)How 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法 They also have fun。 fun n. 乐趣 ,玩笑 【拓展】 1)have fun 意为“过的快活”相当于enjoy oneself have a good time 例如:You are sure to have fun at the party 。 2)have fun doing sth 意为“开开心心做谋事” 例如: The children are having fun playing this game . 类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth 2、…and then end up speaking in Chinese . end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式 end up with 以……,以……而告 例如: The game ended up with a song. 【拓展】 end 作名词 1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year 2.边缘;极点,极限 例如:the end of the road 3.结局,结果。 例如:the end of the story 3、……joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English . the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法 【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth the way of doing sth 例如: This is the best way to solve the problem. 或 This is the best way of solving the problem. 2)way 道路 the way to sw eg. on one’s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: He got lost and couldn’t find his way home. 4、Do you ever practice conversations with your friends ? 1) ever adv. 曾经 【拓展】 一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always ,usually ,often ,sometimes ,hardly ,ever ,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。 2)practice n。 v. 练习,实习,实践, practice doing sth. 练习干某事 例如:He practices running every morning . 5、I’ve learned a lot that way . a lot 很多,非常 【拓展】1)在句中做主语 例如:A lot has been done about it . 2) 在句中做宾语 例如: You have done a lot for him . 3) 在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级 例如: He feels a lot better today . 4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数 例如:There are lots of


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