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About English Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Learning English is a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟) In fact , learning English is interesting. Aims: Why do we learn English? Is it just a course to get scores? A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. ----Karl Marx Why do we learn English? Learn some knowledge Use the language to communicate Understand useful information in English To amuse ourselves and others Make us able to live and work better in future Develop our thinking abilities and other abilities Help us form better personalities To make us more civilized, qualified and knowledgeable For further study eg. Postgraduate study Research More (CET 4,CET 6 etc.) Something about CET4 改革方面: 一、试卷描述 四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示: 1、翻译 从2006年12月一直到2013年6月,翻译每次考试的分值仅占试卷比例的5%,不仅分值比较小,而且考场建议时间只有5分钟,因此一直以来得不到关注和重视,这主要与题型高重复率和简单性密切相关。然而,改革后的题型有所变化,改成了对7句话左右的120中文字的段落翻译,四六级考委会也将考场建议做题时间延长至30分钟,分值与写作比例一样,占15%。改革变化之大和比例之重凸显了这一题型的重要性,这应该是今后学生复习的方向和得分点。 改革后 2、写作 从2013年6月多题多卷这种出其不意的考察方式到改革后的大纲样题,现在的四级写作更倾向于考研类的图画作文,这似乎预示着教育部希望更多的准研究生英语方面的能力至少是四级水平,充分将考研写作与四级写作结合,不同之处在于四级写作字数偏少,难度上直接低于考研写作。 12年6月真题 Part I Writing (多题多卷写作题 1) (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. In your eyes, what is college life? How to spend college life? What makes a college life? 孤灯,青卷,寂夜,香烟……我的每一天几乎都是这样地开始,然后,又这样地结束…… College ● a paradise / Heaven; ● a place where you can pursue your dreams; ● a place where you are free from your parents’ / your middle school teachers’ strict control; ● a place where you can fully develop your abilities according to your own wishes; College ● a


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