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基于私有云架构的基金报表系统开发 摘要 近年来,云计算不论在计算机行业内还是普通人们生活中都已经成了一个炙手可热的词汇,各大IT企业都成为了云计算的拥护者。同样在金融业领域,云计算依然有它应用的强烈需求,将金融业务的在线运作系统迁移到云端已经成为了提升服务效率、加快版本升级、更新业务需求的不二选择。 同时在轻量级服务越来越普及的今天,越来越多的企业级应用已经从C/S架构迁移到了B/S的大军中来,在web技术迅速发展的这些年中,涌现了不少成熟的解决方案,如JSP/Servlt、.NET、PHP等,但是绝对不能忽视的是富客户端(RIA)的崛起,它是良好用户体验的优秀解决方案。而Flex又是RIA中的佼佼者,我们可以利用Flex创造出不亚于桌面应用的操作效果。在本文中,作者主要分析了基金报表系统的课题背景,详细阐述了云计算的技术背景,对实现与辅助系统的J2EE后台技术架构进行了详细的介绍,着重笔墨阐述了Flex及其框架Cairngorm的设计运行机制,前后台的衔接与整个云平台的整合。同时结合系统实际的商业需求,将几个主要模块的设计实现进行了描述。接着又介绍了几个开发过程中使用到的技术要点。最后系统地列举出实际中遇到的前端性能瓶颈问题并给出实际的解决方案。由于作者在项目中的任务主要分布在前台所以本文中着重从前台开发的角度介绍项目中的各种问题,对于后台部分对主要的框架等进行了详细的介绍。 关键词: Cloud ,Flex,J2EE,Flash Player,松耦合 Abstract In recent years, cloud computing, whether in the computer industry or in the life of common people has become a hot word, and the major IT companies have become proponents of cloud computing. Also in the field of financial industry, cloud computing is still strong demand for its application, the online operation of financial business systems to migrate to the cloud has become the choice to improve service efficiency, speed up the upgrade, update the business requirements. Today more and more enterprise applications services are becoming increasingly popular lightweight migration from C/S structure to the force of B/S structure, Web technology developed rapidly these years have emerged many mature solutions like JSP/Servlet、.NET、PHP etc. But which absolutely could not be ignored is the rise of the Rich Internet Application (RIA), it is excellent solution for a good user experience. And Flex is the leader in the RIA, we can use Flex to create the effect of the operation as much as desktop applications. In this article, the author analyzed the subject background of the fund reporting system, elaborated on the background of cloud computing technology, and carried out a detailed introduction to the J2EE back-end technology architecture of the auxiliary system and the private cloud, focus on words d


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