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动物繁殖学双语教学 English-Chinish of Reproductiong in Farm Animal Training manuai for embryo transfer in cattle 动物繁殖学双语教学 Applications of embryo transfer Chapter 2 INCREASE REPRODUCTION OF FEMALES The main use of embryo transfer in cattle has been to amplify (增强)reproductive rates of valuable females. 第二章 胚胎移植的应用 提高母畜的繁殖率 牛上应用胚胎移植技术的目的是提高母牛的繁殖率。 动物繁殖学双语教学 Because of low reproductive rates and long generation (世代)intervals, embryo transfer is especially useful in this species. 由于母牛的繁殖率低和世代间隔generation (世代)intervals,长胚胎移植技术特别适用于该物种。 generation intervals 世代间隔 动物繁殖学双语教学 Cattle may be valuable for many remasons, including scarcity(缺乏), proven(证实) genetic value, or having unique (独特的)characteristics such as disease resistance(抗病). 牛的胚胎移植应用有许多价值,包括已经证实proven(证实)和没有被证实的scarcity(缺乏), ,如遗传价值、抗病特性disease resistance(抗病). 。 proven(证实) scarcity(缺乏), unique (独特的) disease resistance (抗病) 动物繁殖学双语教学 Investment( 投资 )embryo transfer is used to satisfy both genetic and financial(经济上) objectives simultaneously(同时), i.e. milk or meat production increase or greater efficiency, and the investment (投资)returns financial benefits as well. 从理论上讲,胚胎移植在遗传和经济上 financial 都是安全的,例如 同时,simultaneously,乳和肉增长的同时也可获得投资investment 的好的回报。 Investment 投资 Financial 经济上 Simultaneously 同时 i.e. 例如 动物繁殖学双语教学 It is possible to increase reproductive rates of valuable cows by an average of tenfold(十倍) or more in a given year and fivefold (5倍)or more per lifetime with current embryo transfer techniques. 采用胚胎移植技术可以将母牛的繁殖率提高10-5倍。 Tenfold 十倍 fivefold 5 倍 动物繁殖学双语教学 This amplification(扩大) will increase substantially(充分地) as new technologies, such as maturing oocytes in vitro(体外), are perfected(完成). 采用卵子体外成熟培养这项新技术可以扩大和提高胚胎的利用率。 Amplification 扩大 in vitro 体外, Perfected 完成 动物繁殖学双语教学 Increased reproductive rates of donors (供体)with routine(程序) embryo transfer procedures are nearly always at the expense(费用) of reduced reproductive rates of recipients(受


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