U3P的1 Warming upreading liang.ppt

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First impressions constant constantly jet previous uncertain adj. 时常发生的; 连续不断的 adv. 不断地 n. 喷气式飞机 adj. 在前的; 早先的 adj. 不确切的; 无把握的 Words preview n. 指导; 向导; 导游 vt. 指引; 指导 n. 药片 n. 太空仓; 胶囊 n. 乘务员; 服务员 guide tablet capsule steward stewardess opening sideways surrounding tolerate lack adjustment mask n. 女乘务员 n. 通路; 出口; 开端 adv. 往一侧; 侧着; 侧面朝前 n. 周围的事物; 环境 adj. 周围的 vt. 容忍; 忍受 vi. vt. 缺乏; 没有 n. 缺乏; 短缺的东西 n. 调整; 调节 n. 面具; 面罩; 伪装 Words preview carriage press fasten belt safety belt flash switch timetable n. 四轮马车; 客车 vi. vt. 按; 压; 逼迫 n. 按; 压; 印刷; 新闻 vt. 系牢; 扎牢 n. 腰带; 皮带 安全带 vt. vi. (使)闪光; (使)闪现 开关 vt. 转换 n. 时间表; 时刻表 Words preview take up be back on one’s feet lose sight of… sweep up slide into 拿起; 接受; 开始 恢复; 完全复原 看不见…… 打扫; 横扫 移动…… 溜进…… Expressions preview 单词拼写练习: 1. Hundreds of years ago cars were not invented and people usually travelled by horse or by simple vehicle such as a c__________. 2. What he said just now gave me a very deep i_____________. I will never forgot it. 3. He is a naughty boy and he is c_________ disturbing his classmates in class. 4. Animals in zoos are not living in their natural pleasing s___________. 5. I’m honored to be here to make an o_______ speech on this special day. arriage mpression onstantly urroundings pening 6. As he got well-prepared in the examination, he is very o_________ about the outcome. 7. I am unable to attend your birthday party because of a p_______ engagement(约定). 8. Generally speaking, fees in p______ schools are higher than those in public schools. 9. This factory is built to r_______ waste plastics to reduce the pollution. 10. Steel and stone are building m________ that we can use to build skyscrapers. ptimistic revious rivate ecycle aterials Match the main idea of each paragraph. Para1 The journey. how I came to take a time travel journey. Staying in Wang Ping’s home. My impressions of life one thousand years into the future. Para2 Para3 Para4 What ’s the main ide



