肢体语言 屏障重点.ppt

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Unit 3 Text II The secret language of barrier signals anything serving to obstruct passage or to maintain separation, such as a fence Match the words with the same meaning 1. urge 2. barricade 3. peep 4. intruder A. someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission (1) B. barrier (1) C. strong desire(1) D. look quickly or secretly (1) E. withholding or withdrawing (2) F. stop from happening (2) G. walk with long steps(2) H. change (2) I. most important and influential(2) 5. stride 6. block 7. suppression 8 dominant 9 transform Body cross J. obvious (3) K. formal occasion (4) L. defend oneself from; fight sb. off (3) M. make unrecognizable (3) N. Large and luxurious car(4) 10. fend off 11. disguise 12. transparent 13. ceremonial occasion 14. limousine Cuff links O. For a moment; immediately(4) P. To move ones fingers or hands in a nervous fashion. (5) Q. a social gathering (4) R. famous people (4) S. A line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling (6) T. feel or touch (6) 15. function 16. celebrity (4) 17. monetarily 18. fiddle 19. finger v. 20. crease U. lower in rank or importance (8) V. move (9) W. small and of little importance (7) X. probability (8) Y. still, however(9) Z. can’t be denied (8) 21. trivial 22. indisputable 23. subordinate 24. swing 25. none the less 26. likelihood Arm-fold A. enclosed (10) B. move gradually (10) C. feeling (11) D. increase; enlarge; make more powerful; (11) E. withdraw (9) F. twist so to join (10) 27. retreat 28. boxed-in 29. intertwine 30. amplify 31. sensation 32. edge v. Sentence Comprehension S1. Para 1 If a social situation is in any way threatening, then there is an immediate urge to set up such a barricade. 如果某个社交场合让人们感到一种胁迫感,人们通常会立刻产生建立这样一种屏障的强烈欲望。 Sentence Comprehension *1. Para 1 If the insensitive intruder continues to approach despite these obvious signals of fear, then there is nothing


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