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2.Im afraid, I think, I believe, I hope, I guess等作答句,后面跟so与not分别等于肯定或否定,宾语从句可省去。 —Do you think it will rain? 你认为将会下雨吗? —I hope not(that it will not rain). 我希望不下雨。 —Do you believe our team will win? 你相信我们的队会赢吗? —I guess so.(that our team will win) 我猜会赢。 3.不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号to (1)用来代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常在be afraid, expect, forget, hope, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, refuse, seem, try, want, wish等的后边。 I asked him to see the film, but he didnt want to. 我请他去看电影,但他不想去。 (2)在have, need, ought, be going, used等后面。 I didnt want to go there, but I had to. 我不想去那儿,但我不得不去。 (3)在某些形容词glad, happy, pleased, delighted等后面。 —Will you join in the game? 你愿意加入做游戏吗? —Id be glad to. 我很高兴加入。 (4)如果不定式中含有be, have, have been,通常保留be, have和have been。 —Are you a sailor? 你是海员吗? —No, but I used to be. 不,但我过去是。 例 (2009·江苏)—What s the matter with Della? —Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still ________. A.hopes to B.hopes so C.hopes not D.hopes for 解析:考查不定式的省略。动词不定式省略时,要保留动词不定式符号to。 答案:A 四、反意疑问句 1.陈述部分含有must的反意疑问句 must作“一定,准是”讲,可首先将句子改为“I am sure that”从句,反意疑问部分的动词形式根据be sure后的宾语从句的谓语动词形式确定。 (1)You must be hungry now,________?→I am sure that you are hungry, arent you?→You must be hungry now, arent you? 你一定饿了,是吗? (2)You must have heard about it,________?→I am sure that you have heard about it, havent you?→You must have heard about it, havent you? 你一定听说过这事了,是吗? (3)You must have watched that football match last night,________?→I am sure that you watched that football match last night, didnt you?→You must have watched that football match last night, didnt you? 你昨晚一定看足球赛了,是吗?(陈述部分有表示过去的时间状语last night) 2.主句谓语动词think, believe, suppose, guess, expect, imagine的主语为第一人称时,疑问部分的主语和谓语动词与宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致;若他们的主语为第二、三人称时,后面的反问部分由主句来决定。 I dont believe he will succeed, will he? 我认为他不会成功,是吗? Tom doesnt believe Jack will succeed, does he? 汤姆不相信杰克能成功,对吗? 3.祈使句的反意疑问句 祈使句中的后半部分附加问句,不表示反意,而表示一种语气。其结构为: (1)否定祈使句,+will you? (2)肯定祈使句,+will/wont you? Lets...,+shall we? Let us...,+will you? Let+第三人称...,+


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