y38滚齿机进给系统设计 大学毕业设计.doc

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毕业设计(论文)任务书 专业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班级 机械0 姓名 下发日期20-3-8 题目 Y38 专题 Y38 主 要 内 容 及 要 求适用于铣削圆柱形直齿轮、斜齿轮、蜗轮及链轮等。 主 要 技 术 参 数 1) 切削齿轮的最大模数:钢料:6mm,铸铁:8mm。 2) 切削圆柱直齿轮的最大直径:有外支架时:450mm,无外支架时:800mm。 3) 切削圆柱斜齿轮的最大直径:当螺旋角为30(时:500mm,当螺旋角为60(时:190mm。 4) 滚刀心轴与齿轮胚轴间距离:最大500mm,最小:80mm. 5) 滚刀的最大垂直行程长度:275mm。 6) 由台面到滚刀主轴轴线的最小距离:195mm。 7) 滚刀的最大直径:120mm。 8) 装滚刀的可换心轴直径:22、27、32mm。 9) 滚刀轴向移动长度:30mm。 10) 后立柱活动支臂行程长度:200mm。 11) 滚刀主轴的变速级:6级。 12) 工件每转一转滚刀的垂直进给量:0.25~3mm。 进 度 及 完 成 日 期 月月日月月月月月月月月月月 教学院长签字日 期 教研主任签字 日 期 指导签字 日 期 指导教师给定成绩(30%) 给定成绩(30%) 答辩成绩 (40%) 摘要 齿轮的地位被各个国家所认同是因为轮是工业生产中的重要基础零件,其加工技师和加工能力反映一个国家的工业水平。并且齿轮作为机械传动中最常见,最重要的传动零件,被广泛地应用于机械设备的传动系统中滚齿机是齿轮加工机床中应用广泛的一种机床,在上可切削直齿、斜齿圆柱齿轮,还可加工蜗轮、链轮等 Abstract Gear are in industrial production base of the important parts of the process of technicians and processing ability to reflect a state of the industrial level. as a mechanical equipment manufacturing base metal cutting tools, and in the national economy occupies an important place, and the gear as a mechanical drive the most important parts of the transmission, is widely used in machinery equipment transmission. Implement the lean process Computer number control and automation, processing and detection of integration is currently one of the development trend. Computer number control gear hobbing machine of the difficulty made considerable size, so there is not been widely adopted. at present, all countries of the widespread use of conventional models gear hobbing machine.Gear hobbing machine is widely used tools in the process of a kind of machine tools, on which may be cutting spur gear, helical-spur gear, and processing turbine, sprockets, etc. according to the process of principle, and spherical machining to the shaping and generating can be divided into two categories. Y38 gear hobbing maching of the options shaping processing gear advantage is that provided by number and the pressure of the same, one of the tool can work any of the gear . productivity and pr


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