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Unit Two Saving the Earth Topic One I can’t stand the environment here. 主讲:黄冈中学高级教师 瞿丽娅 一周强化 一、一周课程概述 1.继续学习现在完成时(用since, for引导的时间状语)。 2.学习单词stand, produce, manage, waste, influence ,disturb, dead 等词的用法。 二、重难点提示 1.I can’t stand the environment here. 我忍受不了这里的环境。 stand v. 忍受,忍耐(通常用于否定句、疑问句,不用于进行时态。) stand +n e.g.I can’t stand the hot weather here. 我无法忍受这热天气。 Can you stand the living conditions? 你能忍受这生活条件吗? stand +to do /doing e.g.She can’t stand to look after the old lady. 她忍受不了要照顾这个老太太。 I can’t stand waiting any longer. 再等下去我受不了了。 2.The chemical factory produces terrible gas. 化肥厂排放可怕的气体。 produce v. 生产,制造 e.g.This factory produces watches. 这家工厂生产手表。 That paper factory will begin to produce next month. 造纸厂下个月开始生产。 Canada produces a great deal of wheat. 加拿大生产大量的小麦。 3.… I can’t manage to sleep well at night. ……我晚上没办法入睡。 (1)manage v. 设法做好,想办法达到(常与can, could 连用) manage+n e.g.Don’t worry. I can manage it. 别着急。我会设法办到的。 manage + to do e.g.How could you manage to find it? 你是怎么设法找到它的? (2)manage 经营,管理, manage +n e.g.Who is managing this company? 谁在管理这家公司? This factory is not managed very well. 这家工厂管理不善。 4.How long have you been like this? 你像这样有多久了? I have been like this since last month. 从上个月就开始了。 since conj. prep. 自从……(通常用于完成时。用作连词时,后面接从句;用作介词时,后面接表示时间的名词.) e.g.I haven’t seen him since we moved to this city. 自从我们搬到这个城市来,我就没见过他。 We have learned English since we came to this school. 自从我们到这所学校来我们就开始学英语了。 She hasn’t come to see me since last month. 自从上个月起她就没来看我了。 He has worked in China sine 2000. 他从2000年起就在中国工作了。 5.Each year people pour waste into rivers, lakes and so on. 每年人们向河流、湖泊等地方排放废物。 (1)waste n. (常用wastes ) 弃物,剩余物,废弃物;浪费(可用a waste) e.g.A lot of waste from the factories is polluting the seas. 大量从工厂排放出来的废弃物正在污染海洋。 It’s a waste of money to buy such a car. 买这样一辆车真是浪费钱。 (2)waste v. 浪费,糟蹋(常用于被动语态) e.g.The water is wasted by the children. 水被孩子们浪费了。 (3)waste adj. 废弃的,剩余的,无用的 e.g.Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river. 瞧,许多化工厂把废水排到了河里。 6



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