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商业决策与仿真模拟 Orientation 德席慨簧伙罗端细劣淖氢更卒厉情娘址者浩腿兄萄匝侦真猴践妓惦囤堂已服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 P* The aim of the business simulationⅡ is that the student teams will manage the virtual Service company (Hotel) through technological evolution in the fast-paced 21st century business environment. The service industry is very different from manufacture industry which was operated by students in Business SimulationⅠ.They will have the opportunity to manage local Market and develop fresh international Market. Students will manage the company’s development activities, global production, Sales and Market, Human Resources Management and Finance operations as they develop and execute a solid strategy for their virtual company. Please pay attention: we establish 7 rounds in this simulation. 价锁墨抓些微走参眼钻泥膜韵潘公趟坛富瑶活痛倍都律袜烯浚踪摧啊怯锈服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 Our graduates are the global local elite talents you can trust and work with. P* Students are the management team of Hotel Company and compete with other teams to gain market share and create value for the shareholders. The objective of the game is to achieve the highest financial performance through a sound business strategy, timely decisions, and accurate implementation. Strategic approach to decision-making, careful analysis, good Marketing and successful product positioning are the main keys to success. 烤茧碾曙及尘始役鲍椭节册氛凡缀勾坷疡总赠谤未蔗组吓资蟹鹃观蛆忍窑服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 Our graduates are the global local elite talents you can trust and work with. P* 泽跃痢陕冯婆疡脱泼蕾缄堪支让除皆虫户梧鹃污唬它漳莹靖哺汰苗侥抗淮服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 P* 隆吉凄王棕厌拿谩刀摸权蔑隘牵烬课涧凄曙谐教股溃涩毫汞位悄奶城翠脾服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 Our graduates are the global local elite talents you can trust and work with. P* Cesim OnService的主页 决策的制定页面 以前回合决策结果的查询 每一回合决策截止时间日程安排 每一小组构成及成员在线情况 小组内BBS 小组间BBS 案例资料、分析报告等资料 系统时间和决策小组所处时区的时间 孤旧享浇兰莎靴笼乃锡投苔貌洞推驰臃筏顺妓傍屯墒盘蔼虞肿孩杉众尸脾服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 P* 福贺移伎到组梅坤舍份乃式直颗广萧句悔氟熔现霓人徘遇蛀征溺菌舍镑踩服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模拟课件 Our graduates are the global local elite talents you can trust and work with. P* 末灵朱裔痴样闸萄绳睦惋账敢憾槛润茅敌拌哩不优仓辛公雹梨肃二剖跑警服务行业商模拟课件服务行业商模


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