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 Part I Listening Comprehension   Section A   1.   M: Where are you going on vacation this summer?   W: A nice place called Montague appeals to me. It’s $18 a day or $115 a week.   Q: How much would it cost to stay at Montague for a week?   【答案】C   【考点】价格数字   【解析】根据男士的回答“It’S$18 a day or$115 a week.”可知,一周的价钱为115美元,故选C。   2.   W: Are you clear about the instructions?   M: Well, would you mind repeating them7   Q: What’s the man’s problem?   【答案】C   【考点】逻辑推理   【解析】根据男士的回答“would you mind repeating them”可知,他并未理解那些说明,故选C。   3.   M: I am afraid John is busy at the moment, madam.   W: Oh, dear John always does my hair.   Q: What do we know about John?   【答案】C   【考点】简单推理   【解析】根据女士的回答“John always does my hair”可知,John经常给她做头发,从而推断John的身份应该是个理发师,故选C。   4.   W: I’ve traveled to Rome, Pads, London and New York, but I prefer living in San Francisco.   M: Of course. That’s where your home is and your friends live.   Q: Where does the woman live?   【答案】D   【考点】简单推理   【解析】女士表示自己喜欢在“San Francisco”居住;男士表示赞同并说出原因“That’S where your home is and your friends live.”。由此可以推断女士所住的地方,故选D。   5.   M: Did you see Mrs. Scott this morning?   W: Yes, she was sitting at her desk when I came into the office.   Q: Where was Mrs. Scott when the woman came in?   【答案】B   【考点】地点判断   【解析】根据女士的回答“she was sitting at her desk”可知,当时Mrs.Scott所处的位置,故选B。   Section B   Conversation 1   W: It was a heavy storm last night, wasn’t it?   M: It certainly was. The wind broke several windows. What weather!   W: Do you know that big tree in front of my house?   (6) One of the biggest branches came down in the night.   M: Really? Did it do any damage to your home?   W: Thank goodness! It is far away from that.   M: I really hate storms. It’s about time we had some nice spring weather.   W: It’s April, you know. The flowers are beginning to blossom.   M: Yes, that’s true. But I still think the weather is terrible.   W: (7)I suppose we should not complain. We had a fine March af


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