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Robert Frost Robert Frost (1874-1963) One of the finest of rural New Englands 20th century pastoral poets Gaining fame in the 1920s with dry plain speech often celebrating the people and customs of New England Unofficial poet laureate and four-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Representative Works: Mending Wall, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening The Road Not Taken. The Road Not Taken Explanation: Wanted wear: was not frequently traveled This is a meditative poem, in which the speaker tells us how the course of his life was determined when he came upon two roads that diverged in a wood. Forced to choose, he “took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” We must make a decision. We must decide which way to go. This universal dilemma Frost turns into poetry of gentle yet strong understanding. 没上的路 金黄的林地岔开两条路, 只可惜我不能全都踏上。 独个的行旅,久久的伫立, 竭目遥看一条的尽头, 蜿蜒隐没在林丛深处。 然后我踏上别的一条,它也 风光明媚,看来更觉吸引; 那里绿草茸茸,正待践足, 只是上面往来的人迹, 两条岔路相差也无几。 那天早上,两条岔路同躺在那里, 落叶覆着,没有点点踏污的痕迹, 啊!留下没有上的给另一天吧! 惟独前路是无穷无尽的呀! 怎知道可还有重来的时候? 在将来、将来的某一天某一处, 在唏嘘的喟叹声里,我会细说: 林地里岔开了两条路、而我--- 我就走上了那条少人走过的, 那带来的一切可又多么的不同。 没有走的路 幽林两路侧双旁, 悲叹未能尽欣赏, 我乃游人久伫立, 极目遥望路茫茫, 蜿蜒曲折低丛廊。 两路皆美不兼得, 取一也许更颂扬, 绿草青青待拜访, 人迹匆匆过山岗, 此途彼途亦相当。 清晨两路卧苍凉, 步履尚未踏青桑, 我留一路将来走, 虽知千转百回长, 我问能否归故乡。 轻声叹气诉衷肠, 身在异地鬓发苍, 幽林两路侧双旁, 我取一径人迹荒, 此乃差异妙中藏。 Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 雪夜林畔小驻 --余光中译 想来我认识这座森林, 林主的庄宅就在


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