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doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1744.2016.06.000 滤纸模板法制备Ag-SnO2电接触材料 (西安工程大学 机电工程学院,西安 710048) 摘 要:以纳米SnO2粉体和AgNO3为原料,以滤纸为模板,通过浸渍、煅烧制备了Ag-SnO2复合粉体,然后利用压制、烧结工艺制备了Ag-SnO2电接触合金。进一步通过XRD、SEM等分析手段对所制备的复合粉体和合金样品进行表征,并借助TG-DSC对滤纸前躯体的分解过程进行分析,同时研究了不同纳米SnO2含量对Ag-SnO2电接触合金组织和性能的影响。结果表明:所制备的Ag-SnO2复合粉体由四方相金红石型结构的SnO2和立方相的组成,模板去除干净,无杂质引入。且由于滤纸模板的引入,使得SnO2颗粒弥散分布于基体中。随着SnO2含量的增加,Ag-SnO2电接触合金的硬度有上升的趋势,但高氧化物含量也导致模板的分散效果变差,使得合金的电导率和致密度逐渐降低。 关键词:Ag-SnO2;电接触材料;滤纸;模板法 中图分类号TM201; TG146.3 文献标志码A 文章编号:2095-1744(2016)06-0000-00 Preparation of Ag-SnO2 Electrical Contact Materials Using Filter Paper as Template FU Chong, QIU Runhong, ZHANG Yuhui, LIU Ning, WANG Junbo, HOU Jinli (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048, China) Abstract: Ag-SnO2 composite powders were prepared by impregnation and calcination methods using nano SnO2 powders and AgNO3 as the raw materials and filter paper as template. Subsequently, Ag-SnO2 electrical contact materials were prepared by pressing and sintering. The obtained Ag-SnO2 composite powders and alloys were characterized through XRD and SEM. The decomposition process of filter paper precursor was analyzed via TG-DSC. Meanwhile, the microstructure and properties of Ag-SnO2 electrical contact alloys with different SnO2 contents were also investigated. The results show that the composite powders are in good agreement with the tetragonal rutile SnO2 and face-centered cubic Ag, and the template has been removed without any impurities. SnO2 powders are uniformly dispersed in Ag matrix with the help of template. With the increasing of SnO2 contents, the dispersion effect has been weakened by using filter paper as template. Therefore, the physical properties of Ag-SnO2 alloys, such as density and conductivity gradually decrease, but the hardness of as prepared alloys shows a reverse trend. Key words: Ag-SnO2; electrical contact materials; ashless quantitative filter paper; template Ag-SnO2电接触材料是低压电器、仪器仪表的核心元件,其不但


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