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——介词的用法 介 词 的 分 类 简单介词 合成介词 带 - ing 词尾的介词 成语介词 表示时间的介词 at on in at: 时间的一点或短时间,用于“时 刻、正午、夜半、年龄”等 on:特定的时间,用于“日期、星期” in: 较长的时间,用于“年、月、季 节、世纪、上下午”等 表示时间的介词 after in He returned after two days. He will return in two days. He will return after two o’clock. He wrote the letter in two hours. 表示地点的介词 above, over, on * below, under, beneath / underneath 不一定垂直、不接触:above - below 垂直、不一定接触:over - under 接触:on - beneath / underneath A is on the east of B. A is to the east of B. A is in the east of B. 表示地点的介词 in into He put his hand in his pocket. He put his hand into his pocket. 表示地点的介词 to towards He was sent to prison yesterday. He was walking towards the prison when I met him. 表示运动方向时,to表示实际上已经到达目的地;towards则仅指方向,而尚未到达目的地。 表示“关于”的介词 of about on a book of China a book about China a book on China of:仅表示存在与否,不涉及详情 about:不仅表示存在与否,而且涉及详情 on:多指正式的、严肃的、系统的、带有学术意味的论述、讨论或演说 表示“手段”的介词 with by He made it with his own hands. He made it by hand. The old man had been stabbed with a knife. He astonished all the people by his sincerity. with (具体) - by (抽象) 表示“超出”的介词 above beyond This book is above you. This book is beyond you. beyond 超出的程度远远大于above;above 的宾语多指事物,beyond 则多指人。 表示“排除”的介词 besides = in addition to except = but = other than except for 表示不同项目类别的对比和限制 You composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. The movie was good except for the ending. 表示“排除”的介词 except that 后接从句,“除…之外” I know nothing about his career except that he is a graduate of this school. apart from = aside from (AmE) 有时=besides,有时=except (for) 另外,but for “若不是,要不是”,一般使用虚拟语气,与“排除”无关 表示“在…后”(过去时 VS. 将来时) after后面是时间点时,可以用将来时 in还可以表示“在…时间内” A B A B B A in 表示运动过程结束时最终的位置 into 强调运动的方向和状态的变化 * * * * * * 一、名词(可数名词和不可数名词) 二、人称代词 三、冠词 四、动词 五、介词 六、数词 七、形容词和副词 八、there be结构 九、句式 1.肯定句 2.否定句 3.疑问句 4.祈使句 十、时态: 1. 一般现在时 2. 一般过去时 3. 现在进行时 4. 一般将来时 十一、“wh”的特殊疑问句 介词的分类 介词在句子中表示名词或代词等与其他词之间的关系。不能单独作句 子成分,常位于名词或代词(或与之相当的其他词类、短语、从句) 前面构成介词短语。介词后面的成分作介词的宾语。 方位介词 in, on, at, under, to, behind,


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