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导入案例 奔驰降价20万,宝马7系价格松动 Chapter 11 International Pricing Strategy Pricing strategy forms another cornerstone of a global marketing program–it represents one of the most critical and complex issues in global marketing (due to economic, financial, and mathematical implications) Price is the only marketing mix element that generates revenues. All other elements entail costs A company’s global pricing policy may make or break its overseas expansion efforts (due to foreign exchange complications) Firms also face significant challenges in coordinating (standardizing or adapting) their pricing strategies across various countries they operate in This chapter reviews the problem of international pricing strategy issues 1. Production Costs=Fixed Costs+Variable Costs 2. Distribution Costs 3. Taxes: tariff, turnover tax 4. Profit 1. Governmental Factors 2. Economic Factors 3. International Price Agreement 4. Market Competition 5. Consumer Factors 6. Enterprise Factors: 1)to survive, current profit maximization, to maximize market share, optimize the quality of products; 2)cost of production; 企业目标 Cost-Oriented Pricing 成本加成定价法 公式为: P=C(1+R) 某企业生产某种产品10 000件,单位可变成本为20元,固定总成本为200 000元,预期利润率为15%。 可计算如下:?固定总成本 200 000元???? 单位固定成本 200 000/10 000=20元/件 单位可变成本 20元/件??? ? 单位总成本 20+20=40元 预期利润率 15%? ? 产品售价=40+40X15%=46(元/件) 目标利润定价法 公式为: P=(C+R)/Q 某企业用全部厂房设备进行投资,投资额1500万元,单位产品成本是300元,年销售量预计为20 000单位,企业希望得到的投资收益率为20%,则: 单位价格 =(总成本+投资总额X投资收益率)/销售量 =(300X20 000+15 000 000X20%)/20 000 =450 元 某服装厂年产服装2万件,已知总固定成本为21万元、总变动成本为82万元。用变动成本定价法计算:边际利润为16万元时,单位产品销售价格应是多少?此时企业的利润是多少?在何种情况下,企业应采用该定价法? 解: P=(C+R)/Q=(82万元+16万元)/2万件 =49元/件 利润=49*2万-(21万+82万)=-5万 或利润=16万元-21万元=-5万元 打击或排斥竞争对手,赢得市场份额 【营销透视】11-4: 微软Vista降千元 首次打破全球统一定价 International pricing Strategy (2) New product pricing strategy 新产品定价策略 Psychological pricing strategy 心理定价策略 Discount pricing strategy 折扣与折让定价策略 Geogra


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