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课程论文 工程招投标存在的问题及对策分析 学生姓名 学院名称 专业名称 学生学号 指导教师 年 月 日 摘要 招标投标是一种市场交易、搜寻商业对象的行为。招标指在一定范围内公开货物、工程或服务、采购的条件和要求,目前招投标已成为我国建设工程的一种主要交易方式,由于我国市场经济体制不健全等因素,招投标市场中尚存在许多不规范的做法,严重影响了招投标作用的发挥。 Abstract The bidding is a market transaction, which is a behavior for searching commercial object. Tender within a certain range Open goods, works or services, the procurement of the conditions and requirements, to invite certain vendors compete through bidding, the buyer from trusted elect a credible, strong technical skills, a high level of management, reasonable pricing through the assessment units (design units, supervision units, construction units, supply units), and the deal agreement, subsequently commissioned in the form of a contract to complete the subject. The bidding has become a major construction projects in Chinas market economy under the conditions of the transactions, but because of Chinas market economic system is not perfect and other factors, the bidding market, there are still many non-standard practices, seriously affect the bidding to play the role . This article focuses on some problems in the bidding regulate the bidding activities, to protect the interests of all parties, and how to solve circumvent tender, administrative intervention, local and administrative protection, the tendering administrative oversight system that is not unclear. Using theory with practice, and proposed some measures and suggestions. Keywords Theory of construction project bidding Problems Regulatory measures 1 绪论 建设工程招投标管理是市场的一个重要环节,这项工作开展的顺利与否,在很大程度上制约建筑市场能否有序发展。西方市场经济国家,由于政府及公共部门的采购资金主要来源于企业、公民的税款和捐赠,提高采购效率、节省开支是纳税人和捐赠人对政府和公共部门提出的必然要求。因此,这些国家普遍在政府及公共采购领域推行招标投标作为采购交易方式,招标逐渐成为市场经济国家通行的一种采购制度。招投标制度作为工程承包发包的主要形式在国际国内的工程项目建设中已广泛实施,它是一种富有竞争性的采购方式,是市场经济的重要调节手段,它不但为业主选择好的供货商和承包人,而且能够优化资源配置,形成优胜劣汰的市场机制,其本质特征是“公开、公平、公正”和“充分竞争”。 目前招投标已成为我国建设工程市场的一种主要交易方式,但长期以来,我国的投资制度透明度低、投资效益低,资金运作中腐败浪费现象时有发生,推行“五制”,即项目法人制、资本金制、招标投标制、工程监理制、合同管理制。招标投标制成为我国投标体制改革的突破口,强化投资


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