公开课简单完整period using language培训教案.ppt

公开课简单完整period using language培训教案.ppt

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The problems caused by plastic bags. The advantage of using the cloth bags. * Chemical Or Organic Farming? fertilizer What do farmers put into the soil to make crops grow well? natural fertilizer (animal waste) chemical fertilizer Fast reading Part 2 Part 1 Para 1. Para 2. Para 3. Para 4. Long-term use of___________ fertilizers can cause damage to_______________________. Skim the text, try to get the main idea of each paragraph Task 1 Farmers and customers turn to_______________. __________ caused by chemical fertilizers. Other methods to keep__________________ chemical the land and people’s health Problems organic farming the soil fertile. Careful reading Read Part 1, try to find the problems and causes of chemical farming, then fill the blanks. Task one Causes Problems Chemical farming damage_________ affect ______, ______ and _________. lead to ______ and ____________. fruit, vegetables and other food have less ________. by killing __________________ _______________________ by staying in the ground and underground water by building up_______________ _____________ by growing too fast the land crops animals humans cancer other illness nutrition the helpful bacteria and pests as well as harmful ones. in people’s bodies over time Read Part 2, try to find the methods and advantages of organic farming, then fill the blanks. Task two Organic farming Methods use natural waste ____ ___________________ make the soil _______________ ______________________ change ______________ ____________________ put ________________ back into _______, making ____________ __________ plant different _____ with different lengths of _____ Use different levels of soil plant _______________ and then leave it ______ __________ prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil and become a natural fertilizer Advantages richer in minerals and so more fertile



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