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动词的过去式 A.一般在动词词尾加ed。例如: play—played clean—cleaned visit—visited B.动词末尾字母是e的,在e后直接加d。 例如: like—liked live—lived dance—danced C.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ed. 例如: stop—stopped drop—dropped plan—planned D.以辅音字母加y结尾的词,要先变y为i再加ed. 例如: study—studied carry—carried worry—worried E.不规则动词。 例如: do—did go—went am/is—was are—were 练习 给出以下动词的过去式 is______ are______ like_______ do______go______ play______ worry______ watch______ have_____ change______ read______ visit_____take______ plan______ see______ * * 关于基数词和序数词 I. 基数词表示数目和号码, 如: : The population of this city is one million and three hundred thousand. His phone number is The live at 12, Bill Street. II. 序数词表示顺序,如: Take the second right. They live on the third floor. III. 注意下面基数词变为序数词的不规则变化: one—first, two—second, three—third, five—fifth, eight—eighth, nine—ninth, twelve—twelfth IV. 注意下面十位数基数词变为序数词的不规则变化: Twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth, fifty—fiftieth 四以上加th,八减t (eighth),九去e(ninth), f来把ve替,ty须变tie. 若是碰到几十几,改变个位就可以。 第三人称的写法: 1、多数动词后面加---s. 2、以字母o,s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词后面加---es. 如do-does miss-misses catch-catches push-pushes 3、动词末尾-y前为辅音时,则变-y为-i,再加-es.如cye-cyies 但在动词末尾的-y前为元音时,则只加-s,如buy-buys (这种变化与名词的单数变复数有点相像 ) 那么,什么情况下用行为动词的一般现在时呢?当这个动作经常发生或表示习惯性的动作时,通常用一般现在时,它经常与表示频度的时间状语连用,如,当句子中有every day every year ,on Sunday, in the morning ,often, sometimes, usually, at one o’clock,等词时,用一般现在时。 He gets up at 6 o’clock. She usually watches TV in the evening. Sometimes he goes to school by car. Tom often flies a kite on Sunday. 只有第三人称单数动词才要变, 其他人称(I,you ,we ,they)则用动词的原形。 写出下列动词的正确形式: 1、I (go) to school at seven in the morning. 2. Mike ( do) his homework at eight in the evening. 3. His father often ( read) books in the library on Saturday. 4.My mother usually (watch) TV plays at home. 5. My cousin sometimes (play ) car


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