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提速道岔更换施工 与维护中的质量控制 道岔是一种使机车车辆从一股道转入另一股道的线路连接设备,通常在车站、编组站大量铺设。有了道岔,可以充分发挥线路的通过能力。即使是单线铁路,铺设道岔,修筑一段大于列车长度的叉线,就可以对开列车。 由于道岔具有数量多、构造复杂、使用寿命短、限制列车速度、行车安全性低、养护维修投入大等特点,与曲线、接头并称为轨道的三大薄弱环节,这里我主要针对SC325型可动心轨提速道岔在铺设和运营中存在的各种病害和故障,如何充分发挥工电道岔联合整治的作用,采取质量跟踪和技改创新,确保上线以前和上线以后道岔质量。本文以提速道岔铺设前、后的设备病害整治方法为主题进行介绍,同时对现运营的提速道岔存在的问题提出了改进建议。 关键词:道岔 质量 控制 创新 方法 英 文 摘 要 Abstract Turnout is a locomotive to a Road traffic from another line, connecting equipment, usually at the station, the laying of a large number Marshalling Yard.With turnout, can give full play to the adoption of line capacity.Even the single-track railway, the laying of turnout, more than the construction of a section of the fork length of the train line, we can train outside. As a large number of turnouts, the structure is complicated, life short, the train speed limit, traffic safety and low maintenance characteristics of the input,And the curve of the track known as joint and three weak links, which I mainly against SC325 Movable-type speed turnouts in the laying and operation of the various diseases and failure,How to give full play to the turnout, the role of the Joint Regulation, to take innovation and technological upgrading in the quality of tracking to ensure that the on-line before and after the switch on the line quality. This paper laying turnout speed before and after the equipment Disease Treatment methods for the theme, at the same time the speed of operation is the turnout has made recommendations for improvement. Key word: Turnout quality control innovation methods 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题的背景和意义 1 1.2 国内外发展概况 2 1.2.1 国外铁路运输发展概况 2 1.2.2 国内铁路运输发展概况 2 1.3 论文的主要研究内容 3 第2章 线下预铺道岔的质量控制 4 2.1 提前介入,做好现场调查和技术复核工作 4 2.1.1 制定道岔更换方案的原则 4 2.1.2 现场测设 5 2.1.3 道岔预铺和调整 5 2.1.4 现场测设 5 2.2 对关键部位制定严格的质量控制标准 5 2.3 确保道岔上线质量 6 2.3.1 对基本轨、尖轨、可动心轨硬弯采用齿条压机矫直 6 2.3.2 对短心轨弯折矢度小的调整 6 2.3.3 扣件及各部分紧固零件的安装要求 7 第3章 加强道岔更换施工中的质量监控 8 第4章 道岔常见病害的整治 9 4.1 几种常见病害 9 4.2 主要病害产生的原因、预防和整治 9


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