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ICU护士睡眠质量及其相关因素调查分析 刘宇1 赖娟2 王欣 熊小芳 (1南昌大学护理系 330006,2 中南大学湘雅医院心内科 410008) 摘要:目的 了解ICU护士睡眠状况及其相关因素,为制定针对性改进措施提供依据。方法 采用睡眠状况自评量表(self-rating scale of sleep SRSS)对某市四所三甲医院98名ICU护士进行睡眠状况问卷调查。结果 SRSS睡眠因子总分23分以上者64名(65.30%);总均分及各因子分与国内常模比较,除觉醒不足、入睡困难、服药情况外,均低于常模(P0.01);已婚护士、轮班护士、不参加娱乐运动护士睡眠质量相对较差(P0.01)。结论:ICU护士睡眠质量较差,严重影响护士身心健康,需通过提倡科学健康睡眠,合理安排班次,提高护士心理调节能力,正确对待工作压力,应用激励机制,帮助护士建立最佳工作状态,以减少护士睡眠问题的发生率。 关键词:ICU护士;睡眠状况自评量表;SRSS;睡眠质量 Sleep Quality of Clinical Nurses and Its Influencing Factors Abstract Objective:To learn the clinical status of ICU nurses and its impact factors of sleep, for the development of targeted measures to provide a basis for improvement. Methods:conducts a survey with Sleep Self-Rating Scale (self-rating scale of sleep SRSS)among 98 ICU nurses in 4 hospitals.. Results:There are 64 nurses whose SRSS sleep factor scores is higher than 23 points (65.30%); the total points divided equally between the various factors compared with the norm, with the exception of lack of arousal, sleep difficulties, drug cases, are worse than the norm (P 0.01); Married nurses, shift nurses, the nurses not to participate in recreational sports relatively have poor sleep quality (P 0.01). Conclusions:ICUl nurses have poor sleep quality,which badly affects the IXU nurses’ health,we should take some measures to improve the quality of nurses’ sleep , through scientific and reasonable arrangement services, improving psychological adjustment ability of nurses to correctly deal with task pressure; the application of incentive mechanism to help establish the best working conditions of nurses, in order to reduce the rate of sleep problems. Key words:ICU nurse; self-rating scale of sleep; SRSS;Sleep quality 睡眠是人体的基本需求之一,是人的一生中耗时最多的活动,它的发生受自我平衡和昼夜节律两种机制的调控[1]。睡眠和人的生理、心理关系密切[2],并影响人的健康水平、生活质量和工作效率。ICU护理工作是一种专业性很强并以特殊人群为服务对象的工作,长期的生物钟紊乱及各方面压力给护理人员带来了不同程度的睡眠问题,也影响了护理工作的质量[3]。ICU护士在轮班、加班、应对压力不良等情况下,可因得不到足够的睡眠而发生睡眠剥夺,由此可导致护士的认知能力和神经性行为有明显影响,如注意力下降、警觉性降低、认知行为变慢、记忆力下降、工作效率低、出错概率增加,容易忽视一些重


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