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四、接受(Acceptance) (一)定义(Definition) It refers to a statement made by oral or written or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer. (二)接受的条件(The condition) Acceptance shall be made by a specific offeree. Acceptance shall be declared in ways stipulated in the offer, either orally or in a written form. Acceptance shall reach the offeror within the time of validity. Acceptance shall be in accordance with the offer. (三)接受生效的时间(The effective time of acceptance) (四)逾期接受(Late acceptance) Without delay the offeror orally or in written from informs the offeror to that effect. If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances, that if it transmission had been normal,it would have reached the offeror in due time,the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless,without delay,the offeror orally informs the offeree that he consider his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect. (五)接受的撤回(Withdrawal of acceptance) 返回目录 第二节 合同的有关内容 (About the contract) 一、合同生效的时间(The effective time of contract) 1.When notice of acceptance reaches offeror. 2.When offeree makes action of acceptance. 二、合同生效的要件(The effective conditions of acceptance) 三、合同的形式(Forms of the contract ) contract 1.Written contract confirmation 2.Oral contract 3. Other forms agreement 约首(Preamble) 四、合同的内容(The contents of contract) 约文(Body) 约尾(witness clause) - 返回目录 第九章 合同的履行 (Performance of contract) 出口合同的履行(Performance of export contract) 进口合同的履行(Performance of import contract)


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