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题 目: 大学生网上购物影响因素实证研究 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 摘 要 随着网民的数量及其花在互联网上的时间的不断增加,我国而言,网络消费群体尚不成熟,网上、消费者行为、影响因素Title An Empirical Study of the factors impact College Students Online Shopping Abstract Online shopping becomes popular along with increasing number of internet users and time they spent on the Internet. But in China, network consumption group is not mature. The number of network consumers is small, and most of them are young people, especially college students. Studying the factors which impact college students network shopping, and designing measure to spread the online shopping has a positive meaning for developing of E-commerce. This paper mainly researches the factors which influence college students’ network shopping basing on the domestic and foreign research results about the factors which influence network shopping. First, according to the actual situation of college students’ network shopping and the study of existing literature, the paper summarizes and proposes the main factors influencing college students’ network shopping. Finally, it does empirical study under the theoretical framework. Finally, through the study, it can be concluded that: (1) Preferential prices and the convenience of online shopping impact college students’ network shopping most. (2) The quality of online goods is uneven, the quality satisfaction of online goods is not high enough. (3)The credibility of network transaction needs to improve. Key words: Online shopping Consumer behavior Influencing factors 目 次 1 引言 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 1 1.3 文献综述 2 1.4 研究内容和方法 4 2 网上购物相关理论概述 4 2.1 网上购物概述 4 2.2网络消费者特征 6 2.3网上购物影响因素 8 3 实证研究 9 3.1 研究内容 9 3.2 研究方案设计 9 3.3 研究成果 10 4 调研结论讨论、建议与研究不足 19 4.1 调研结论讨论 19 4.2 对网络销售商的建议 20 4.3 本研究的不足 21 结 论 22 致 谢 23 参考文献 24 附录 A 调查问卷 26 1 引言 1.1 选题背景 随着中国互联网的蓬勃发展,网络逐渐


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