The Evolution of Aframericans’ Roles in History 美国黑人在历史上角色的演变研究.docVIP

The Evolution of Aframericans’ Roles in History 美国黑人在历史上角色的演变研究.doc

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摘 要 所谓美国黑人,是历史上被欧洲殖民者劫运到美国的非洲黑人奴隶的后裔又称非洲裔美国人。属尼格罗人种。其中2/3为黑白混血种人。通用英语美国黑人在历史上起过重要作用,他们积极参加美国独立战争和反法西斯战争,屡立战功。对发展美国的经济文化也作出了很大贡献,他们一直是美国农业的主要力量;在钢铁工业中黑人工人约占1/3,在汽车工业中约占半数;在音乐、文艺、体育方面,黑人的成就更为显著。ABSTRACT African-Americans are persons from America who are members of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. They were transported to the United States by European colonizers and called African, Negro, Colored, and Black in history. The original role of the African Americans in American society is African slaves. Though they lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food, they made a very positive contribution to American society in history.(Pollard, 2004)This study is mainly concerns on the evolution of African-Americans’ role-play in American society from the following aspects: appellation, politics, economy, Black English, literature, etc; this study is through great information about American history and culture, conspicuous representatives from respective field to analyzing African-Americans’ evolutionary roles in detail directly or indirectly. From this paper, some conclusions can be drawn. In the process of slipping slavery, fulfilling racial equality, improving American democratic system, African-Americans play a significant role in American society. They deserve a higher status in American society after all that life-long hard work with terrible cost of the revolution in death and suffering. Through analyzing that, get a deeper conclusion that it need all-round promotion in improving the role of some group of weak race or minority in society though bleeding and difficult it may be. We should respect them. Their experiences prove that process is winding, and future is promising. Key word: Slavery African American Evolutionary Role 目 录 1. 引言 1 1.1 美国黑人的定义 2 1.2 美国黑人的原始角色及概况 2 1.3 制约美国黑人发展的因素 3 2从称谓变化看美国黑人的角色演变 4 2.1 非洲人 4 2.2 有色人 4 2.3 尼格罗 5 2.4 黑人 5 2.5 非洲裔美国人 6 3从政治和经济角度看美国黑人角色演变 8 3.1 亚伯拉罕·林肯的《解放黑人奴隶宣言》 8 3.2 马丁·路德·金的


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