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国内生产总值47.2万亿元,比上年增长9.2%;公共财政收入10.37万亿元,增长24.8%;粮食产量57121万吨,再创历史新高;城镇新增就业1221万人,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入实际增长8.4%和11.4%。我们巩固和扩大了应对国际金融危机冲击成果,实现了“十二五”时期良好开局。 加快发展信息咨询、电子商务等现代服务业,新兴服务领域不断拓宽。交通运输产业快速发展,经济社会发展的基础进一步夯实。 We accelerated the development of information consulting, e-commerce and other modern service industries, and expanded new service areas. The transportation industry developed quickly, thereby further strengthening the foundation for Chinas economic and social development. First and foremost, it has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting services in the world, and easy access to world-class research institutions, like Stanford University,which continually nurture would-be geniuses which the industry needs in order to move forward. Without these advantages, the Valley would be a different place 首先,硅谷拥有全球最密集的优秀电脑专业人群体和最优秀的支持服务体系,毗邻斯坦福大学这类世界一流的研究机构,这些研究机构源源不断地培养着电脑业赖以发展的明日奇才。若无这些优势,硅谷将不会是今天的光景。 Secondly, it actively encourages, or even exalts, risk-taking. Hence, failure holds no terror and there is no stigama attached to a failed effort. On the contrary, they will try even harder next time round. Such never-say-die approach is the sine qua non (必要条件)for the ultimate triumph in entrepreneurship and technological breakthrough 其次,硅谷积极提倡甚至极力赞颂冒险精神,失败并不可怕,出师不捷无人耻笑,失败反而使人再接再厉,加倍奋斗。这种永不言败的作风是企业成功和技术创新必不可缺的条件。 Paper qualification, though useful, is not a be-all-and-end-all. More weight is given to a candidates proven abilities and aptitude for the job. This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apples Jobs and Wozniak and Microsofts Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community 在硅谷,文凭虽然有用,却不是一切,一纸定不了终生,硅谷更看重求职者的实力和工作天赋(才能)。最有说服力的例子莫过于行业的偶像人物,如苹果公司的创始人乔布斯与沃茨尼亚克,微软的创始人盖茨,他们都是一些大学辍学者,在讲究学历的社会很可能永无出头之日。 注: The unique silicon valley 的材料选自《中级口译教程》unit-13,梅德明,2010 unit 7 economy trade Useful Expression (1) 1. chain stores (美)连锁商店 2. multiple stores (英)联营商店 3. enterp
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