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公共英语3级精讲班第15讲讲义 Dialogue Dialogue 1 The two speakers are talking about how to arrange travels for holidays. 1.?????? What do you think of package holiday? 你认为跟团旅游怎么样? package holiday 跟团旅游 2.?????? They are usually very cheap, but joining a crowd of noisy people and eating plastic food is not my idea of a holiday. 他们通常很便宜,但是和一群吵闹的人们在一起吃盒饭不是我理想的假日。 plastic food 盒饭 3.?????? Are the resorts worth visiting? 这些景点值得参观吗? 1)????? resort 景点 2)????? be worth doing sth 值得做某事 The book is worth reading. He felt that his life was no longer worth living. 4.?????? There’s a good range of flights and prices aren’t too high. 那儿有很多航班,它们的价格也不高。 Monologue 1: 1.?????? This is one year after the 9/11 attack. CNN correspondent Paula Sean is at Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport Friday morning, talking about people’s weekend traveling preceding Memorial Day. 这是9·11后的一年,CNN的记者保拉·丝英星期五早晨在亚特兰大的哈慈菲尔德国际机场谈论纪念日前人们周末旅游的情况。 preceding 在前面 2.?????? We are seeing pretty healthy lines for this time of the morning, both at check-in outside and at the ticketing counters inside as well. 早晨这个时候我们看到很多航班都有很多的人,他们都等在外面的登机口盒里面的售票处。 1) check-in 登机口 2) ticketing counter 售票柜台 3.?????? It is a far different world today than it was last Memorial Day, and what a year ago would have been perceived perhaps as an inconvenience is now being embraced as extra security checks,. 现在与上个纪念日的情况完全不同了。一年前被视为不便的事情现在被视为额外安全检查措施了。 1)? perceive 意识到,注意到,观察到 I perceived that his behavior has changed. We had perceived how the temperature fluctuated. 2)? embrace 欣然接受或采取某人的意见 embrace an offer/opportunity 4.?????? Even if there is any irritation from the long line or extra security checks, the passengers that we talked to so far aren’t showing it. 就算排长队和特殊安检会引起烦躁 ,我们到目前谈话的乘客还没有显示出来。 Monologue 2: Ruth Roebke, a family consultant is talking about one thing that he and his family usually do during Christmas. 1.?????? It is more blessed to give than to receive. blessed 带来欢乐的,令人愉快的 给予比获得更快乐。 2.?????? We have each helped in a dif



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