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1. 劳驾,对不起 2.去…的路 3. 穿过 4. 左/右拐 5. 在左/右边 6. 走路去那里 7.在那边 8. 在银行对面 9. 到达 10. 乘地铁 11. 为什么不做某事 游客:您能告诉我怎么去国家体育馆吗? 警察:当然了!沿着这条街走,您会看到一个铁路站。坐地铁到奥体中心,您也可以做公交车或打车去。 游客:多谢! 警察:不客气。祝您玩得愉快! Example: A:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to…? Could you tell me how to get to…? Could you tell me how I can get to…? B: Certainly/ Sure. Go across the bridge and go straight ahead. Turn … into(进入) …. Then go along … and turn … at the first/ second street(在第几条街转…). The … is on the right/left/next to/ opposite/ between… and …./ in front of …. A: Thank you a lot. B: You are welcome. Have a nice day. * Teaching Aims Key vocabulary – along, across,excuse,excuse me,street,turn,third,right,why not...? could Key structures —Can you tell me the way to...? Go across..., go along the street and turn left at... Is there a(n)... near...? How can I get...? Could you tell me how to get to... Aims: 1. 能听懂有关问路、指路的简短对话 2. 能用英文问路和指路 3. 能根据地图讲清路线,描述出某个地点的位置。 bank 1.银行 museum2.博物馆 along 3.沿着(介词) go/ walk along the street across 4.横穿(介词 ) go/ walk across the bridge opposite 5.对面 tourist 6.游客 excuse 7.原谅 excuse me 8.劳驾,对不起 street 9.街道 in the street 1. [b??k] 2. [mju:zi:?m] 3. [?l? ?] 4. [?kr?s] 5. [?p?zit] 6. [tu?rist] 7. [ik’sk ju:z] 8. [ik’sk ju:z] [m i:] 9. [stri:t] turn 11.换方向turn left/ right third 12.第三 guidebook13.导游手册 bookshop 14.书店 right 15.好了(用于变换话题) Why not +do sth.为什么不……呢? could 17.可以,能 underground 18.地铁 take 19.搭乘 take a bus 11.[t ?:n] 12.[θ?:d] 13.[[gaid?buk]] 14. [buk?∫?p] 15.[rait] 16.[wai] [n?t] 17.[kud] 18. [?nd?,graund] 19.[teik] Excuse me! the way to go across turn left/right on the left / right walk there over there opposi


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