M4U2 will it be hot in Haikou 课件.ppt

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表示天气状况的词汇, hot, cold, sunny, rain, snow, windy, cloudy, weather 询问天气的句子:Will it be … in…? Will it … in…? 及回答Yes,it will./No,it won’t. 描述天气的句子: It will be...in…. It will ...in…. 今天我们学会了 1 Read the passage. 2 听天气预报并用英文写至少3个城市的天气预报。如:It will be ___ in ____. It will in Step7.布置作业,课后延伸 Have a nice day~~ * 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Let’s show.小组展示( 任选一组进行展示) 1.背诵上一节课的课文或者唱一首你喜欢的歌曲,或者读一下单词。 2.Free talk and free show. Qing Ming holiday is coming. What will you do? sunny warm hot cold rain snow cool windy What’s this? It’s a robot. They will do the housework. They will help children learn. They will make cakes. They will take pictures. They will sing songs. What other things will the robot do? The weather forcast weather 天气 windy sunny cold hot rain snow 天气符号 cloudy Rain, rain, it will rain. Snow, snow, it will snow. Windy, windy, it will be windy. Sunny, sunny, it will be sunny. Hot, hot, it will be hot. Cold, cold, it will be cold. Cloudy,cloudy,it will be cloudy. Let’s chant: 同学们,马上就是清明节了,在这个假期里,我和我的朋友们想去银川,海口,杭州,沈阳,广州还有北京这几个城市去玩。可我不知道这几个城市的天气怎样。首先让我们来看看机器人是怎么说的吧。 I will travel(旅行) tomorrow. Haikou Yinchuan Hangzhou Beijing Guangzhou Shenyang But I don’t know the weather tomorrow. Who can help me? I’m Mr. Robot. I know the weather tomorrow. The Weather Tomorrow Will it be hot in Haikou? Haikou Yes, it will. The Weather Tomorrow Will it _________in Yinchuan? Yinchuan _________ be cold Yes, it will. The Weather Tomorrow Will it snow in Hangzhou? Hangzhou No, it won’t. It will rain in Hangzhou. The Weather Tomorrow Will it _____in Shenyang? Shenyang _________ It will snow in Shenyang. rain No, it won’t. The Weather Tomorrow Will it be cloudy in Guangzhou? Guangzhou No, it won’t. It will be sunny in Guangzhou. The Weather Tomorrow Will it be windy in Beijing? Beijing Yes, it will. map Listen again and finish cold rai


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