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病理學 主題(1) : Cellular Pathology 內容大綱: Cellular injury and cellular death (I) 1. Cause of cellular injury 2. Cell injury and necrosis: Biochemical mechanism 3. Ischemict, hypoxic and free radical injuries 4. Chemical injury 主題(2) : Cellular Pathology 內容大綱: Cellular injury and cellular death (II) 1. Morphology of injuried cells (1) Irreversible injury a. Type of necrosis b. Apoptosis (2) Reversible injury 2. Subcellular responses to cell injury: Lysosomal, smooth ER, mitochondrial, cytoskeletal alteration 主題(3) : Cellular pathology 內容大綱: Intracellular accumulations of specific substances 1. Pigment 2. Fat 3. Protein 4. Glycogen, and other carbohydra 5. Calcium 6. Hyaline degeneration 主題(4) : Cellular pathology 內容大綱: Cellular adaptation and aging 1. Atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia and dysplasia 2. Cellular aging 主題(5) : Inflammation (I)(II) 內容大綱: 1. Acute inflammation: vascular changes and cellular events 2. Chemical mediators of inflammation 3. Chronic inflammation 4. Morphologic patterns in acute and chronic inflammation 5. Systemic effects of inflammation 主題(6) : Tissue repair: cellular growth, fibrosis, and wound healing 內容大綱: 1. Control of normal cell growth 2. Extracellular matrix and cell-matrix interactions 3. Repair by connective tissue (fibrosis) 4. Wound healing 病理學 主題(1) : Hemodynamic disorder (I)(II) 內容大綱: 1. Edema 2. Congestion 3. Hemorrhage 4. Hemostasis 主題(2) : Hemodynamic disorder(III) 內容大綱: 1. Thrombosis 2. Embolism 3. Infarction 4. Shock 主題(3) : Infectious disease (I) 內容大綱: 1. Tissue response to infection (Many pathogens evoke same reaction pattern) (1) Exudative inflammation (2) Necrotizing inflammation (3) Granulomatous inflammation (4) Interstitial inflammation (5) Cytopathic-cytoproliferative inflammation 主題(4) : Infectious disease (II): Bacterial, Spirochetal and Mycobacterial 內容大綱: 1. Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, its identification 2. Typhoid fev


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