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摘 要 随着市场经济的深入发展和人们的法治观念也在逐步提高、维权意识也在逐步增强,劳动争议逐渐增多。但由于现行的劳动争议处理制度的一些不足之处,不能及时有效的对日益增多的劳动争议案件做出处理,也由此引发出许多问题。本文正是从这些制度的弊端入手,深入分析,以期对症下药,进而对我国劳动争议处理制度的完善提出一些建议。本文是要把我国劳动争议处理制度中的问题找出来、解决掉,使之更能适应中国的现实国情;是基于一种力图更好协调劳动争议处理制度中各环节之间关系的思路而斗胆作出的分析,而非去建立一种完美的纠纷解决制度,因为,任何制度都不可能尽善完美。本文分为三个部分加于论述: 第一部分主要介绍劳动争议概念和类别种类,概述劳动争议制度。 第二部分在介绍我国劳动争议处理制度的基础上,重点分析了劳动争议协商、调解、仲裁和诉讼四项制度自身的缺陷和不足之处,并指出当前亟待解决的一些问题。 第三部分是针对我国劳动争议处理制度的缺陷提出完善建议。 关键词:集体争议;个别争议;劳动争议; Abstract Current, our country is in the great era of the implementation of the rule of law strategy, which triggered the peoples ideas of rule of law has gradually improved, rights awareness has gradually increased, and with the development of market economy and interest resulted from differences in depth, so the labor disputes increase gradually and be not at all surprising; on the other hand, because of the current labor dispute settlement system of some shortcomings, can timely and effective to the growing number of labor dispute cases to deal with, which also leads to many problems. This article is from the system proceed with, thorough analysis, to an antidote against the disease, then the labor dispute of our country and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system of. This paper is to make the system of labor dispute settlement of China s problems, find out, so that it can better adapt to China s reality; is based on an attempt to better coordinate the labor dispute handling system of each link in the relationship between thinking and bold to make analysis, rather than to build a perfect dispute resolution system, because of, any system can not be perfect. This paper is divided into three parts to discuss:The first part introduces the concept and type of labor disputes, labor dispute system overview .In the second part of the introduction of Chinas labor dispute processing system based on, focus on the analysis of the labor dispute negotiation, mediation, arbitration and litigation four systems of their own shortcomings a


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