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温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。 高考保分巩固练 三 限时40分钟 Ⅰ. 完形填空 体裁 记叙文 话题 感恩母爱 词数 339   When you are five years old, your mother is your everything. She is your 1 , friend, and nurse; the only person you rely on 2 with your hopes, dreams, and wishes. But for me, this was not the case. My mother suffered from 3 problems that would keep her in bed for days, leaving me to care for her and look after myself. This situation 4 me to grow up much faster. While I knew my mother was sick, I felt deep down that we could 5 it and everything would be okay. 6 , in 1997 everything went terribly wrong, and my life changed forever. Adoption is a 7 word to a five-year-old, but when I realized that my own mother had signed me over to 8 , I felt it was the worst betrayal(背叛). I suffered from shock, anger, and confusion as I attempted to adjust to my new family. No longer could I 9 anyone since the person I had loved more than all else had abandoned me. Hearing people tell me that she did it in my best interest, I felt even more 10 . I could not forgive her and always 11 how she could reject me like an old sofa. However, the more I got older, the more I began to understand how 12 our situation had been. We had been 13 on boxes of noodles, and at one point we 14 lived in our car. I was once passed from drug-addicted cousins to mentally unstable neighbors as my mother 15 to try and save me from what our lives were becoming 16 each day passed. Only recently have I begun to understand 17 my mother gave me to strangers. 18 she really did save me. She loved me more than anything, so she wanted me to have a 19 in life, one she could no longer offer me. I now know my life has been a special 20 only because she was selfless enough to give me up. 【文章大意】作者叙述了自己小时候被送人, 开始怨恨母亲, 慢慢随着年龄的增长越来越深刻地理解自己的母亲。每一个母亲都会无私地为孩子的未来着想, 感恩母亲, 是母爱成就了孩子的未来。 1. A. hostess       B. competitor C. provider D. candidate 【解析】选C。词义辨析题。根据下文的friend, and nurse判断应是供应者。故选C。 2. A. mainly


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