大一英语精读U1 Word Study.docVIP

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Unit 1 Word Study 1. put … in perspective :judge the real importance e.g. Travel for some people can be therapeutic and may help put problems in perspective Synonym: have a correct view of sth Comparison: in perspective : accurately, exactly 2. take … at face value: accept sth. as what it appears to be e.g. Dont?take?negative?outcomes?at?face?value.? 不要只看到失败的表面. uperficially 3. in apt to : have the tendency to e.g. 1. Beginners are too?apt?to?make mistakes?in?grammar. 初学者极易犯语法错误。 2. Food is?apt?to?deteriorate?in?summer. 食物在夏天爱变质。 4.misleading: adj. likely to make sb. Believe sth, that is not true mislead vt, e.g.The article contains several?misleading?statements. 这篇文章有几处误导性说法。 : 1)an official record of a student’s school progress and achievements 2) 抄本; 副本 . They wouldnt let me have a?transcript?of the interview. 他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。 Derivation: n. transcription transcribe v, 6. proficiency: n. skill ;ability e.g. His?proficiency?as a surgeon is well known. 他作为一名外科医生的水平是有名的 Derivation: adj. of the uaual type that has been used for a long time e.g. People still wore their hair short and dressed?conventional clothes 人们还留着短发、穿着传统服饰。Derivation : n. convention adv. Conventionally Synonym:traditional 8. correspond to : match;be similar or equal to e.g. His expenses do not?correspond?to?his income. 他入不敷出。 9.retain: keep;continue to have e.g. China dishes?retain?heat longer than metal pans. 瓷器盘子比金属盘子保温时间长。 maintain ;hold Derivation: adj. retainable 可保持的 生词本 10. assumption:n. what is thought to be true or will happen, without any real proof e.g. ?I?would?question the?validity?of?that?assumption.?? 我会质疑那个假设的正当性. e.g. Road markings?indicate?where you can stop. 道路标志告诉你哪里可以停车 moral adj. relating to the standards of good or bad behavior, fairness, honesty, etc. in which people believe, rather than laws e.g. It’s her moral obligation to tell the police what she knows. 道义责任 He thinks it is not part of a novelist’s job to make a moral ju


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