Distribution Channels and Logistics Management分销渠道与物流管理.pptVIP

Distribution Channels and Logistics Management分销渠道与物流管理.ppt

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Distribution Channels and Logistics Management分销渠道与物流管理

Chapter 12 Distribution Channels and Logistics Management What is a Distribution Channel? A set of interdependent organizations (intermediaries) involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user. Marketing Channel decisions are among the most important decisions that management faces and will directly affect every other marketing decision. Why are Marketing Intermediaries Used? Greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. Offer the firm more than it can achieve on it’s own through the intermediaries: Contacts, Experience, Specialization, Scale of operation. Match supply and demand. Distribution Channel Functions Types of Vertical Marketing Systems Innovations in Marketing Systems Goals of the Logistics System Major Logistics Functions Choosing Transportation Modes Integrated Logistics Management 12-* Contact Financing Information Risk Taking Promotion Matching Negotiation Physical Distribution These Functions Should be Assigned to the Channel Member Who Can Perform Them Most Efficiently and Effectively to Provide Satisfactory Assortments of Goods and Services to Target Customers. Corporate Common Ownership at Different Levels of the Channel Contractual Contractual Agreements Among Channel Members Administered Leadership is Assumed by One or a Few Dominant Members Greater Lesser Degree of Direct Control Horizontal Marketing System Hybrid Marketing System Two or More Companies at One Channel Level Join Together to Follow a New Marketing Opportunity. Example: Banks in Grocery Stores A Single Firm Sets Up Two or More Marketing Channels to Reach One or More Customer Segments. Example: Retailers, Catalogs, and Sales Force Channel Design Decisions Analyzing Consumer Service Needs Setting Channel Objectives Constraints Exclusive Distribution Selective Distribution Intensive Distribution Identifying Major Alternatives Evaluating the Major Alternatives Provide a


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