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毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 题目:电子商务环境下企业顾客忠诚度的影响因素研究——以凡客诚品为例 学院专 业班 级学 号学生姓名指导教师Satisfaction Strength and Customer Loyalty 作者: Murali Chandrashekaran /Kristin Rotte/ Stephen S. Tax/ Rajdeep Grewa 国籍:Australia 出处:Journal Of Marketing Research ,2006,5(9):1784-1789 原文正文: Abstract Although empirical research indicates that satisfaction is intimately linked to loyalty, anecdotal evidence reveals that many customers who state that they are very satisfied with a service provider nevertheless subsequently defect.. In this paper, the authors focus on identifying which customers are vulnerable to defection despite stating high levels of satisfaction. Drawing on the emerging perspective to modeling individual judgments that recognizes that individuals differ in the strength (i.e., conviction, certainty) with which judgments are professed, the authors first decompose a customer’s stated satisfaction into two related but independent facets – satisfaction level and satisfaction strength The authors then examine the role of satisfaction strength in the translation of satisfaction to loyalty. Results from two studies are reported. In the first study, set in a B2B service context, the authors analyze data obtained from an ongoing customer satisfaction tracking study being conducted by a large service organization in the US. Data from over 25,000 customers are used to calibrate the satisfaction model and examine the effect of satisfaction strength on the translation of satisfaction to loyalty. In the second study, a conceptual replication set in a B2C context, the authors examine decision-making following a failed service encounter and a recovery attempt by the service provider. The authors study the impact of perceptions of service recovery on the level and strength of the stated satisfaction with the service recovery, and then focus on the effect of satisfaction strength in the translation of stated satisfaction to loyalty. The two



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